LED Help

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Joined Sep 29, 2013
Sorry I am very new with Assembly and I am using PicKit2 and I can't figure out how to blink all LEDs, I can only Turn on one LED this is my code so for

Rich (BB code):
#include <p16F690.inc> 

ORG 0x00
 call setLEDs ; Setup LED outputs
 bsf PORTC,0 ; Turn LED 0 on
 goto $ ; Wait here
; Subroutine to setup LED output port on PIC development board
 BANKSEL TRISC ; Select bank 1
 clrf TRISC ; Set PORTC to outputs
 BANKSEL PORTC ; Select bank 0

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Joined Feb 12, 2009
You can, of course, send a byte to the port register to switch a number of pins simultaneously.

MOVLW B'00001101'

You can also read a port so if you want to toggle some pins without affecting others you can read, XOR and write back like this:-

MOVF PORTA,W ;copy current state of PORTA into W
XORLW B'00000110' ;Toggle bits 1 and 2
MOVWF PORTA ;Write back to PORTA

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Joined Sep 29, 2013
thanks a lot for your reply, but sorry I am not sure where exactly I should do these changes that you suggested me; should I edit the setLED subroutine with moving the bits 1 and 2?.
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Joined Apr 24, 2011
thanks a lot for your reply, but sorry I am not sure where exactly I should do these changes that you suggested me; should I edit the setLED subroutine with moving the bits 1 and 2?.
You should place them at the point in your program where you wish the LED to change.
Sorry I am very new with Assembly and I am using PicKit2 and I can't figure out how to blink all LEDs, I can only Turn on one LED this is my code so for
To initialize ports take a look at the I/O PORTS chapter of the data sheet. To initialize all ports digital "clrf" PORTA, PORTC, ANSEL, and ANSELH.