LCD Question

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Joined Apr 19, 2010
You may remember from previous post that I am programming an LCD, and building my first LCD circuit. I am still having nothing but problems with it still, so I have decided to give it a short break and come back with a new perspective.

When I left it a couple of weeks ago, the LCD was only displaying 8 boxes on the first row and only 8 boxes on the second row. Can anyone tell me what could be the problem.

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Joined Apr 19, 2010
Sorry, I should have been more precise. They are the black boxes that you get when your contrast is set up too high. I have searched the internet for what this could mean and I haven't found anything. Usually from what I understand, the black boxes should go all the way across the line, but these, are only in the first 8 spaces on both lines. It is a 2x20 display. But they could also in the last 8 spaces of each line too, just depending upon if the LCD is turned upside down. I think they are in the last 8 spaces of each line because all the wording (pin numbers and backlight pin letters) is rightside up.


Joined May 9, 2009
I think you should post some code. If I'm assuming a HD44780 display, that means you must have at least DB4-7 (DB0-7 if in 8-bit mode), RS, R/W and ENABLE connected, is this correct?