how to use pwm port as I/O port ?

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Joined Oct 14, 2011
I'm using dspi30f4011, it has 3 pwm outputs (6 pin in total),
this dspic has the following pins :

pin 38 : pwm1L/re0
pin 37 : pwm1H/re1
pin 36 : pwm2L/re2
pin 35 : pwm2H/re3
pin 34 : pwm3L/re4
pin 33 : pwm3H/re5

I want to use pwm2h as pwm signal and re2,re4,re5 as I/O ports

I have written the following:

#include "p30f4011.h"
int main(void)
PTCONbits.PTEN = 0; // Timer Enable bit:
PWMCON1bits.PMOD2 = 1; // PWM I/O pin pair is in the independent output mode
PWMCON1bits.PMOD3 = 1; // PWM I/O pin pair is in the independent output mode
PWMCON1bits.PEN2H = 1; // PEN2H (pin 35) is enabled for PWM output
PWMCON1bits.PEN2L = 0; // PWM2L (pin 36) disabled. I/O pin becomes general purpose I/O
PWMCON1bits.PEN3L = 0; // PWM3L (pin 34) disabled. I/O pin becomes general purpose I/O
PWMCON1bits.PEN3H = 0; // PWM3H (pin 33) disabled. I/O pin becomes general purpose I/O
TRISBbits.TRISB0 = 0; //led
TRISEbits.TRISE2 = 0; //INa to H-bridge
TRISEbits.TRISE5 = 0; //INb to H-bridge
TRISEbits.TRISE4 = 1; //CS from H-bridge

PORTBbits.RB0 = 1; // led
PORTEbits.RE2 = 1; // INa
PORTEbits.RE5 = 1; // INb

I dont have a problem with the pwm (this is not the whole code), I have a problem the I/O port pins.
when I connect the scope to pwm2L it shows me the same pwm signal as in pwm2H, as if they are complementary but I chose them to be independent!
the re4 abd re5 port show about 1v all thime..

what the problem ?