How to browse files inside a single board embeded computer?

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Joined Sep 23, 2022
Hello, We are using a device with a single board computer embeded inside. It has a usb and rs232 ports for its PC software to comunicate with the device for data transfer. I want to browse files and directories inside this computer. I tried ActiveSync and windows device mobile center but my PC did not detect the device and I couldn't sync. Any way for doing this? or any software I can find for this?



Joined Oct 6, 2013
Most times there are not any files to browse. The files you upload are actually stored as sections of memory and not files in the normal sense. If there are any type of file functions they will be listed in the board programming reference. It may be possible to dump memory using your programming software.


Joined Jun 19, 2012
Simple embedded systems often have no operating system whatsoever - just code running from a bank of ROM.

The concept of "Files" is not even relevant in this situation.

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Joined Sep 23, 2022
Still it is OK if I could be able to read the code and inspect it and write it back. Is this possible? How?


Joined Jun 19, 2012
Still it is OK if I could be able to read the code and inspect it and write it back. Is this possible? How?
Find the part number of the processor and learn how it's programmed and verified.
Lots of processors "code protect" the firmware making it almost impossible to "read out" the code - for obvious reasons.

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Joined Sep 23, 2022
Device software has an option which can read information I need and display these information on the computer monitor but there is no way of saving these info into a file. I want to save these information in a file as a backup and keep it for the future when device needed repair and loading these info into the device again.

I also tried to log info via "serial port monitor" when I use this option to read the information. This was successful and I can see information I need are there.

I can connect to the device via rs232. I am looking for a way to send commands to the device to read info from a certain address of the memory and to be able to write it back into the same address. I think I can find the address of the info I want from "serial port monitor" log. Now I need to find a tool to be able to read info from that address in binary and write back using the same tool into the same address. Is this possible? If so what tools are out there to help me with this?

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Joined Sep 23, 2022
Device software uses IRP_MJ_READ command to read info I want (see attached log). May be I can use IRP_MJ_READ and IRP_MJ_write commands to read and write info I want directly. Any advice in this?

103 IRP_MJ_READ - Transfers data from a COM port to a client (COM4) - 349 bytes of 349
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