How do you increase transmitter range?


Joined Apr 16, 2010
seriously :p
So i would use a transistor to amplify the signal going into the transmitter?
In most cases, you use transistors (and/or tubes) to amplify the RF signal from the transmitter. Sometimes, the least expensive way to increase range is to use a bigger antenna, a higher antenna, a more efficient antenna, or a directional antenna.

What frequency are you transmitting? What is your present power output? What antenna are you using? If you're already running the legal limit for the frequency you're using, then improving your antenna is your only option (and even that may not be legal.) On the other hand, if you're currently running well under the legal limit, an additional amplifier may be the answer.


Joined Apr 5, 2008

The range can also be increased by using a directional antenna.
That will point the power in one direction.
Also a dirctional antenna at the reciever side may help.
What frequency range are you using?
Check how much power you may use in that range at the local authorities .

Take a look at this page for antenna ideas:



Joined Feb 5, 2010
The other way that won't make the FCC freak out, is to increase the receiver sensitivity. Bigger RCV antenna or a higher gain RF amp section, or both.


Joined Nov 5, 2008
if you're trying to boost the range of those car FM radio transmitter thingys, look up the "itrip." terms like itrip hack, itrip mod, etc

all they do is make the antenna bigger.
ive been looking into doing this and thats the easiest solution. the other way is to get a stronger FM transmitter IC or build your own, which is significantly more complicated.