Have You Ever Had A Gun Pointed At You with A Threat


Joined Feb 20, 2009
1st time I was 18 following the dead sleeping at a reststop outside of detroit. Woke up to the distinct sound of a gun barrel tapping on hte window. Got jacked for our cash around $100. 2nd time 24 I was selling something to someone and they decided they wanted it really bad and had no money. The proceeded to pull an UZI on me and jack me. I walked accross the street dialed 911 and said I was just shot at, at this apt. As I was leaving police were swarming. Didn't here from that guy ever again. 3rd time were way backwoods and ran into some rednecks that basically was a mexican standoff. They had longguns, we had semi auto pistols. Nothing was drawn but things got heated and we worked it out. I'm sure a couple more times but I just don't remember

Oh yah 26 I was standing in front of the club I worked at and some disgrutal customer goes to the end of the building and takes 5 pot shots at us. We heard the bullets whiz by but by the time we organize and came out from cover he was gone. Cops got em though and he ended up getting 10 years. He actually took pot shots at us while accross the street they were investigating a murder inside a macdonalds. Pretty dumb person.


Joined Mar 17, 2011
I once assumed the felony prone position in a bank lobby for a half-hour, while the vault was emptied by a delegation of business-suited gentlemen who liberally sprayed the ceiliing with generous volleys of auto-fire when the transaction wrapped up.

Another time I was robbed of cash at gunpoint by a policeman at a road-block. He advised me to stand and deliver more promptly next time, so as not to test the patience of the the "arresting" officers. These scenarios are frequent in the Third World.


Joined Mar 24, 2008
I once assumed the felony prone position in a bank lobby for a half-hour, while the vault was emptied by a delegation of business-suited gentlemen who liberally sprayed the ceiliing with generous volleys of auto-fire when the transaction wrapped up.

Another time I was robbed of cash at gunpoint by a policeman at a road-block. He advised me to stand and deliver more promptly next time, so as not to test the patience of the the "arresting" officers. These scenarios are frequent in the Third World.
What part of the world were you in?

Never happened to me. I have a temper and no brains when it flairs, so it is probably a good thing.


Joined Mar 17, 2011
Ghana used to be a comparatively safe enclave of orderliness in sub-Saharan Africa, Bill, but now there are more frequent moments of anarchy, along with a dramatic rise in un-opposed bank heists than generally run a liesurely 15 minutes of hostage lockdown and duffel-bag dragging, in contrast with the 90-second in-and-out rule that bank robbers try to abide by stateside, for fear of the local PD response.

That healthy fear of the law is gone in this neck of the woods


Joined Feb 20, 2009
Heres a good bank robery one. A 65 year old man robbed 3 bank of america's here at gunpoint and was finally caught. He claimed he needed the money to pay rent and they actually didn't arrest him and let him pay the money back?? WTF? They never let me do that!


Joined Jan 10, 2012
I was jacked once in east Salinas, Ca. They ran off with about $13 of pocket cash. That is gangland territory, and the cops said I got off lucky.


Joined Feb 20, 2009
I've never been threatened at gunpoint, but I've been shot at. Does that count? :rolleyes:
YES! Having been shot at too its 20 x more scary then just having a gun to you head. When you hear the bullets whiz by you and realize what happening its hard to explain. But it is way more exciting then just having a gun pulled.


Joined Feb 20, 2009
Isn't that the same thing, unless you do not value your life?
No its not at all. We've been shot at numerous times when we were kids hunting boomers and its crazy when your in the country and someone starts taking long range shots at you. You have no idea whats going on but to run this direction.


Joined Sep 30, 2009
I have been shot at too as a kid(teenager). Made the expression "always wear clean underwear when going out" a moot point. :)


Joined Oct 3, 2010
I've had bullets whiz close by while walking in the woods but I seriously doubt that I was the target or that there was any intentional threat. Much different than being held up with a gun in your face, but still unnerving. It's a problem that's only going to get worse as the population booms and neighborhoods encroach on once secluded hunting grounds


Joined Dec 17, 2009
My workmate went to south Africa last year.He was invited to a customer's house.Ater entering the yard, they were all surrounded by several mobs.All mobs hold gun,and pointed to evevy one.Fortunately they left with money.