Got a problem with ants?


Joined Apr 25, 2008
Major Federal crimes committed ,E.P.A.....U.S.D.A. and a lot of agencies. You better

not disclose the location of the Art ,it could be used against. The U.S.D.A. , if they

did that it would legal. That is not a first , it has been done with other materials.

It is a fine piece of Art


Joined Nov 30, 2010
ROFL...and slightly embarrassed.

oh, wait. Never mind. I was watching that Banned in Australia, condom commercial on the same page as the ant colony cure.


Joined Dec 16, 2013
That's a pretty extravagant way to get rid of ants! That would be pretty cool to see though. I'll just control my ant problems with My wallet will thank me for it.

Have you all seen the videos where fire ants will go and attack electronics because they are drawn to it? Pretty crazy stuff. It would be interesting to learn why fire ants are drawn to electricity and view it as a threat.