Do not try this at home


Joined Apr 2, 2009
He thinks people believe that he fell onto the potato.

I just can't get my head around how it ended up by sitting on it.


Joined Feb 20, 2009
I once did some soldering wearing a T-shirt only. And kind of learned a lesson. I guess this vicar learned a lesson or two. without going into further details, as it is nice to know and need know details in this case:eek:
Nice find. My grandmother and aunt were ER room nurses and if you know any ER nurses they'll all tell you its standard stuff. People coming in with almost everything imaginable up their buttox. Most of the time they have some crazy excuse how they sat on a barbie doll in the shower or something. But it happens at every hospital in the country on a regular occurance. In any case a potato? Call me impressed.


Joined Oct 29, 2009
Due to "Hanging curtains in the nude". OK if you believe that then I have some prime real estate in the Florida everglades to sell you.


Joined Mar 25, 2012
Not that you guys really want to know this about the "new guy", but I did once "violate" myself with the seat of my mountain bike during a bad landing from an 8 foot vertical jump. Was it a lubed approach? NO. Did it hurt like hell? HELL YES! Did I go to the doctor? No, but I should have. I was sore for about 2 weeks, and going poo was torture. So I can tell you ... stuff like this can happen.


Joined Oct 3, 2010
Not that you guys really want to know this about the "new guy", but I did once "violate" myself with the seat of my mountain bike during a bad landing from an 8 foot vertical jump. Was it a lubed approach? NO. Did it hurt like hell? HELL YES! Did I go to the doctor? No, but I should have. I was sore for about 2 weeks, and going poo was torture. So I can tell you ... stuff like this can happen.
Ok, I can see a bike seat, especially if you like it pointed slightly upwards like some do. But a potato? And why would one hang curtains in the nude? That in itself is autoerotic reverse-voyeurism (couldn't think of a better term).

I posit that you cannot accidentall insert and entire potato FULLY into your rectum.


Joined Feb 20, 2009
Not that you guys really want to know this about the "new guy", but I did once "violate" myself with the seat of my mountain bike during a bad landing from an 8 foot vertical jump. Was it a lubed approach? NO. Did it hurt like hell? HELL YES! Did I go to the doctor? No, but I should have. I was sore for about 2 weeks, and going poo was torture. So I can tell you ... stuff like this can happen.
Thats acceptable because its a real issue, did you repeatedly violate yourself? I think just about everyones either been goosed like your bike was john holmes or nearly made steril from racking yourself. No one here has accidentally sat on a vegetable and had it surgically removed.


Joined Feb 20, 2011
I'm at a loss for words.......... :rolleyes:

It reminds me of a case on Judge Judy some years back. It was dealing with two boys, probably in second grade or so, in the same class at school. Somehow, one of them got a pencil lodged up there that had to be surgically removed, and he blamed his classmate. The other boys' argument: He was throwing the pencil in the trash and it happened to fly right under the victim as he was sitting down....

Somehow falling on a potato while hanging curtains in the nude sounds slightly more plausible.....

Thread Starter


Joined May 11, 2009
This is my all time high favorite report about awkwardness. From BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL 5 JULY 1980. Especially the conclusion, OUCH! I would say case 1 is plausible. And could have have happened to any of us in this forum
At least two of these injuries were caused by a Hoover Dustette,
which has fan blades about 15 cm from the inlet. The present
patients may well have thought that the penis would be clear of the fan
but were driven to new lengths by the novelty of the experience and
came to grief.​


Joined Apr 25, 2008
Go back to playing with your steam engine,"Go Fish"...camping ,have fried

Irish potato's for breakfast with duck egg's. What in your opinion is the

country with the best coffee. Did you have the Jaun Valdez coffee ads

in your country. Do you need a vacation ?


Joined Feb 20, 2011
Something in that article seems a little off, though. How can the doctors say it "definitely wasn't any kind of sex game"? How would they know? :rolleyes:

What that suggests to me is that the Vicar is paying them off to say that. If the "truth" came out, he could lose a lot according to his religion. Not sure of their actual beliefs, but it wouldn't turn out well for him.
Of course, this is pure speculation. I just don't think "falling on a potato" will really do that to you. Seems very far-fetched........