Cell Phone Charger Pin & Socket Physics

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Joined Sep 5, 2010
Sometimes, when a wobbly charger is plugged in a socket, it takes some iterations to ensure a proper 'contact' between the charger Pin and Socket, for charging to start.

So what exactly is a 'contact' between the two surfaces.

To what extent are the two metal surfaces touching each other? Are the two surfaces touching each other at atomic levels? Are the surface atoms of charger pin enmeshed with the surface atoms of the socket pins? At even more micro level, does the flow of electrons takes place thru a continuous bridge between the socket pins and charger pin or at some point there is actually an induction of energy where power just leaps frog into space and enters the charger pin like it happens in case of a transformer (primary to secondary jump).

Thanks in adv and regards,


Joined Mar 31, 2012
The answers to questions like these are not simple and depend heavily on the level of detail and abstraction you want to operate on.

For instance, before you can answer a question like, "To what extent are the two metal surfaces touching each other?", you need to establish what it means for two surfaces to touch each other, period.

One person might be content to think in terms of materials being a continuous medium, others might want a level of detail consistent with atoms and electrons in a lattice of some kind, while yet others want to talk quantum mechanics and wave functions. Very different discussions.