Best way to learn Solidworks

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Joined Feb 27, 2014
What is the best way to learn solidworks.

I have bought one book & learning from it along with software.

Anyone from experience suggest best book for beginners in solidwork or any online tutorial which will be right way to start?


Joined May 3, 2010
I would say the best way would be to get familiar with the basic controls and functionality, and then to just play around with it.


Joined Dec 19, 2007
Agree with blah2222. Unless you can take a course at a local school, just set a project to duplicate an object. Use online tutorials, YouTube, your book, program HELP files, and Solidworks forums to create that object. I'm using GeoMagic (was Alibre...poor man's Solidworks) and find that I learn best by tackling real world things. A lot of the tutorials go over my head until I have a use for them. I've found forums a great resource when I get stuck...then go back and reread the tutorials.



Joined Apr 5, 2008


Joined Sep 8, 2013
In the solid works help menu is a couple of tutorials, I started by doing them over and over and over and over again! I still never really got to grips with it but the tutorials were good.
Solidworks has many video tutorials on you tube, some official some not, the official ones are fairly short but are very good start point, the unofficial ones are good once you know where the stuff is in the menu's.
Solidworks above all else is not a program for spectators! You have to dive in with it, start with the tutorials in the help menu section.