AD633 Fatal simulation error in proteus

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Joined Jun 5, 2021
I'm designing a circuit with AD633 analog multiplier in proteus. The inputs in AD633 are a square pulse pattern and a sinusoidal wave. When I run the simulation, fatal simulation error dialog box occurs and shows two warnings including 'Time step too small, trouble with node..... '(as the following image). Did anyone face similar problem while working with AD633? If did, what is the solution for this problem? Warning.png


Joined Mar 14, 2008
Yes, I have sometimes found the AD633 model somewhat problematic in LTspice also.

Try eliminating the initial bias calculation (add .uic) in the transient simulation to see if that helps.

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Joined Jun 5, 2021
Yes, I have sometimes found the AD633 model somewhat problematic in LTspice also.

Try eliminating the initial bias calculation (add .uic) in the transient simulation to see if that helps.
Actually I'm doing the simulation on Proteus 8 not LTspice. I think your suggestion if for LTspice. Isn't it?
Can you or anyone suggest what to do to make AD633 work fine without any fatal simulation error on proteus?

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Joined Jun 5, 2021
Can you screenshot the circuit and I can take a look..
It's a huge circuit. It might be difficult for you to look at it. But I'm showing you anyway (I've divided the total circuit into 3 screenshots). I'm trying to do a multiplexing project. There are two users from whom I'm taking digital pattern data and modulating them with a carrier with the help of the multiplier AD633. I don't think the problem is in the circuit. Because when I make a small test circuit with AD633 (with a pulse and a sinusoidal input), it still doesn't work and shows similar fatal simulation error.1.png2.png3.png