About PIC18F8722 UART

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Joined Dec 19, 2011
Hi guys, I'm currently having problem with the UART of the PIC18F8722. It keep transmitting wrong value. It keep transmitting 0x00 no matter what I send.
Below is my UART init:
Rich (BB code):
void UART_Init(void)
    RCSTAbits.SPEN = 0;

    TXSTAbits.TXEN =0;

    RCSTAbits.CREN =0;

    TXSTAbits.SYNC = 0;

    TRISCbits.TRISC6 = 0;        
    TRISCbits.TRISC7 = 1;        

    SPBRG = 31;    
    TXSTAbits.TXEN =1;
    RCSTAbits.CREN =1;
    PIE1bits.RCIE = 1;
    RCSTAbits.SPEN = 1;
Below is my UART interrupt function:
Rich (BB code):
#pragma interrupt InterruptServiceHigh
void InterruptServiceHigh(void)
     if(PIR1bits.TX1IF == 1 && PIE1bits.TX1IE ==1)
I'm using MAX232 to transmit RS232 signal to my pc. I'm trying to transmit a string of data. I've declared UARTTrasnmitString("Test",4) in main.c. The problem is, it always transmit out 0x00 to my pc:
Rich (BB code):
unsigned char UARTTrasnmitString(unsigned char *ucString, unsigned char ucBytesToSend)
    unsigned char ucIterator;
    if(ucBytesToSend > MAX_UART_BUFFER)
        return FALSE;
    for(ucIterator=0; ucIterator < ucBytesToSend; ucIterator++)
        ucUARTTxBuffer[ucIterator]= *ucString++;    
    PIR1bits.TXIF =0;
    PIE1bits.TXIE = 1;        
    return TRUE;

void UARTSend(void) 
    PIR1bits.TXIF =0;
    if(ucUARTTxProd < ucUARTBytesToSend)
        TXREG = ucUARTTxBuffer[ucUARTTxProd++];
    if(ucUARTTxProd == ucUARTBytesToSend)
        PIE1bits.TXIE = 0;      
My settings is for baud rate 9600. The oscillator frequency I use is 20MHz. So, my SPBRG value should be 31 correct?
Do you guys know what is missing? I've been trying out a whole day already. Please help!
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Joined Dec 19, 2011
Did you check ucUARTTxProd whether it is incremented everytime it enters the interrupt?

you need to make sure that the following assignment is not empty
ucUARTTxBuffer[ucIterator]= *ucString++;

Yup. It got increment.
The problem is, even if I hardcode it like this: TXREG = 0x41, it will still transmit out 0x00. I don't understand. Anything I miss? Is the SPBRG value really correct? According to my calculation SPBRG = (20MHz /9600/64) - 1 = 31
Or is there any hardware problem I need to check like the MAX232 ic problem?
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Joined Dec 19, 2011
Can the TX1 pin and RX1 pin on PIC18F8722 be pull high with a 10k resistor? This is what I saw from my circuit. Does this the cause?