Array is too large - stm8s

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Prajeet Anand

Joined Aug 26, 2014
array is too large:
#include "STM8S.h"
#define I2C_PORT                                             GPIOE
#define SCL_pin                                             GPIO_PIN_1
#define SDA_pin                                            GPIO_PIN_2
#define SSD1306_I2C_Address                                0x78
#define DAT                                                0x60
#define CMD                                                0x00
#define Set_Lower_Column_Start_Address_CMD                 0x00
#define Set_Higher_Column_Start_Address_CMD                0x10
#define Set_Memory_Addressing_Mode_CMD                     0x20
#define Set_Column_Address_CMD                             0x21
#define Set_Page_Address_CMD                               0x22
#define Set_Display_Start_Line_CMD                         0x40
#define Set_Contrast_Control_CMD                           0x81
#define Set_Charge_Pump_CMD                                0x8D
#define Set_Segment_Remap_CMD                              0xA0
#define Set_Entire_Display_ON_CMD                          0xA4
#define Set_Normal_or_Inverse_Display_CMD                  0xA6
#define Set_Multiplex_Ratio_CMD                            0xA8
#define Set_Display_ON_or_OFF_CMD                          0xAE
#define Set_Page_Start_Address_CMD                         0xB0
#define Set_COM_Output_Scan_Direction_CMD                  0xC0
#define Set_Display_Offset_CMD                             0xD3
#define Set_Display_Clock_CMD                              0xD5
#define Set_Pre_charge_Period_CMD                          0xD9
#define Set_Common_HW_Config_CMD                           0xDA
#define Set_VCOMH_Level_CMD                                0xDB
#define Set_NOP_CMD                                        0xE3
#define Horizontal_Addressing_Mode                         0x00
#define Vertical_Addressing_Mode                           0x01
#define Page_Addressing_Mode                               0x02
#define Disable_Charge_Pump                                0x00
#define Enable_Charge_Pump                                 0x04
#define Column_Address_0_Mapped_to_SEG0                    0x00
#define Column_Address_0_Mapped_to_SEG127                  0x01
#define Normal_Display                                     0x00
#define Entire_Display_ON                                  0x01
#define Non_Inverted_Display                               0x00
#define Inverted_Display                                   0x01
#define Display_OFF                                         0x00
#define Display_ON                                          0x01
#define Scan_from_COM0_to_63                                0x00
#define Scan_from_COM63_to_0                                0x08
#define x_size                                             128  // need to be changed to the matcing pixel
#define x_max                                              x_size
#define x_min                                              0
#define y_size                                             64 // need to be changed to the matching pixel
#define y_max                                              8
#define y_min                                              0
#define ON                                                 1
#define OFF                                                0
#define YES                                                1
#define NO                                                 0
#define ROUND                                              1
#define SQUARE                                             0
#define buffer_size                                        1024 //(x_max * y_max)
extern unsigned char buffer[buffer_size];
void I2C_setup(void);
void OLED_HW_setup(void);
void OLED_init(void);
void OLED_write(unsigned char value, unsigned char control_byte);
void OLED_gotoxy(unsigned char x_pos, unsigned char y_pos);
void OLED_fill(unsigned char bmp_data);
void OLED_print_Image(const unsigned char *bmp, unsigned char pixel);
void OLED_clear_screen(void);
void OLED_clear_buffer(void);
void OLED_cursor(unsigned char x_pos, unsigned char y_pos);
void OLED_draw_bitmap(unsigned char xb, unsigned char yb, unsigned char xe, unsigned char ye, unsigned char *bmp_img);

void OLED_print_char(unsigned char x_pos, unsigned char y_pos, unsigned char ch);
void OLED_print_string(unsigned char x_pos, unsigned char y_pos, unsigned char *ch);
void OLED_print_chr(unsigned char x_pos, unsigned char y_pos, signed int value);
void OLED_print_int(unsigned char x_pos, unsigned char y_pos, signed long value);
void OLED_print_decimal(unsigned char x_pos, unsigned char y_pos, unsigned int value, unsigned char points);
void OLED_print_float(unsigned char x_pos, unsigned char y_pos, float value, unsigned char points);
void Draw_Pixel(unsigned char x_pos, unsigned char y_pos, unsigned char colour);
void Draw_Line(signed int x1, signed int y1, signed int x2, signed int y2, unsigned char colour);
void Draw_Rectangle(signed int x1, signed int y1, signed int x2, signed int y2, unsigned char fill, unsigned char colour, unsigned char type);

void Draw_Circle(signed int xc, signed int yc, signed int radius, unsigned char fill, unsigned char colour);

Im trying to add this ssd1306 header file to my project, when i build it Im getting this array is too large error on "extern unsigned char buffer[buffer_size];" line. the buffer size is defined as 1024.

John P

Joined Oct 14, 2008
You'll need to explain which processor and compiler you're using. Does the processor have this much memory, and does the compiler support large arrays? If the problem is with the compiler, maybe you can get around it by using a pointer to address this block of RAM rather than declaring it as an array.

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Prajeet Anand

Joined Aug 26, 2014
You'll need to explain which processor and compiler you're using. Does the processor have this much memory, and does the compiler support large arrays? If the problem is with the compiler, maybe you can get around it by using a pointer to address this block of RAM rather than declaring it as an array.
I'm using IAR workbench for stm8 with code size limited to 8Kb and its an stm8s003f3 chip (with 8kb flash memory). When I change the buffer size to 512 instead of 1024 it compiles without any error otherwise it shows "section placement failed error" .


Joined Oct 2, 2009
Your MCU STM8S003F3 has 1Kbyte of RAM. You are asking for more than 1024 bytes (extra bytes required for other variables and stack).
That is why buffer_size of 512 works.