12f683 to 16f690

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Joined Feb 14, 2010

This program was written using MPLAB IDE and the HiTech C compiler for a 12f683 I’m trying to convert it to run in a 16f690. I’ve missed something changing over the code it will build and upload but the timers won’t function. When the program runs the pulse string works but on delay control. I underlined the lines of code that have been changed.

Thank you.


//--- Includes ---
#include <htc.h>

//--- Defines ---
#define INPUT_PIN 1
#define OUTPUT_PIN 0

#define TxPulse GPIO1 Change to RC0
#define Sample1 GPIO5 Change to RC1
#define Sample2 GPIO4 Change to RC2
#define PWM GPIO2 Change to RA1
#define ADC GPIO0 Change to RA2

#define TrisTxPulse TRISIO1 Change to TRISC0
#define TrisSample1 TRISIO5 Change to TRISC1
#define TrisSample2 TRISIO4 Change to TRISC2
#define TrisPWM TRISIO2 Change to TRISA1
#define TrisADC TRISIO0 Change to TRISA2

//--- Variables ---
unsigned int Period = 255-125; // 1000 Hz (PS=16)
unsigned int TxPulseWidth = 65535-100; // 100us
unsigned int Sample1Delay = 65535-15; // 15us
unsigned int Sample2Delay = 65535-200; // 200us
unsigned int SampleWidth = 65535-15; // 15us

//--- Prototypes ---
void Init(void);
void InitAdc(void);
void InitTimer0(void);
void InitTimer1(void);
void Timer1Delay(unsigned int);
void Process(void);

// Main
void main(void)
// First, set up the internal oscillator
IRCF2=1; IRCF1=1; IRCF0=1; // Internal osc. freq. = 8MHz
OSTS = 0; // Use the internal osc
SCS = 1; // Use the internal osc
while(!HTS); // Wait for clock to stabilise

// Next, initialize everything
Init(); // below
InitTimer1(); // Do this BEFORE InitTimer0()

// Now start the interrupt timer and idle
TMR0 = Period; // Set the timer
T0IF = 0; // Clear Timer0 flag
while(1) {} // Keep the processor active

// Initialization stuff

// Initialize the I/O pins and set some flags
void Init(void)
TrisTxPulse = OUTPUT_PIN; // Set TX pulse to output
TrisSample1 = OUTPUT_PIN; // Set main sample to output
TrisSample2 = OUTPUT_PIN; // Set alt sample to output
TrisPWM = INPUT_PIN; // Set pwm to input (not used in this version)
TrisADC = INPUT_PIN; // Set ADC to input (not used in this version)

GIE = 1; // Master interrupt enable
PEIE = 0; // Peripheral interrupt disable
CMCON0 = 0x07; Change to CM1CON0 = 0x70; // Turn off analog comparator

TxPulse = 1; // Initialize starting pulse values
Sample1 = 1;
Sample2 = 1;

// Initialize the ADC. With the register cleared the default sample rate is Fosc/2
// which is the max speed.
void InitAdc(void)
ANSEL = 0; // Clear the ADC select register
ADCON0 = 0; // Clear the ADC control register
VCFG = 0; // Use VDD as Vref
ADCS2=0; ADCS1=0; ADCS0=1; // ADC clock = fosc/8
ADFM = 0; // Left(MSB)-justified data
ANS0 = 1; // AN0 (pin 7) is set up as an ADC input
CHS1=0; CHS0=0; // AN0 is the selected ADC input
ADON = 0; // Turn the ADC off (not used in this version)

// Timer0 is 8 bits with Div16, so delay is (255-n)*16*4/Fosc
// For Fosc = 8MHz Timer0 has 8us of resolution
void InitTimer0(void)
T0IE = 1; // Enable Timer0 interrupt
T0CS = 0; // Clock off Fosc/4
PSA = 0; // Prescaler assigned to Timer0
PS2 = 0; PS1 = 1; PS0 = 1; // Prescaler = /16 (8us resolution)

// Timer1 is 16 bits and clocked at Fosc/4; use PS=2 for 1us resolution
void InitTimer1(void)
TMR1CS = 0; // Use Fosc/4
T1CKPS1 = 0; T1CKPS0 = 1; // Prescaler = /2 (1us resolution)
TMR1H = 0; TMR1L = 0; // Clear the registers
T1GE = 0;
T1OSCEN = 0;
TMR1IE = 0; // Don't allow an interrupt
TMR1ON = 1; // Turn Timer1 on
TMR1IF = 0; // Clear the flag

// Processing routines

// Delay (in us) = 65535-n
// Because of the fudge factor, 15us is the minimum delay.
void Timer1Delay(unsigned int n)
n += 15; // Adjust for fixed error (approx 15us)
TMR1H = n >> 8; // Load the upper counter
TMR1L = n; // Load the lower counter
TMR1IF = 0; // Clear the flag
while(TMR1IF == 0) {;} // Wait for a flag

// ISR() is the interrupt service routine for Timer0. The main loop is
// triggered off this interrupt and must be completed before the next
// interrupt.
static void interrupt ISR(void)
static int i;

T0IF = 0; // Clear the Timer0 Int flag
TMR0 = Period+2; // Reset the timer (+2 fudge factor)

TxPulse = 0;
Timer1Delay(TxPulseWidth); // Transmit pulse
TxPulse = 1;

Timer1Delay(Sample1Delay); // Main sample delay
Sample1 = 0;
Timer1Delay(SampleWidth); // Main sample pulse
Sample1 = 1;

Timer1Delay(Sample2Delay); // Alt sample delay
Sample2 = 0;
Timer1Delay(SampleWidth); // Alt sample pulse
Sample2 = 1;
