1. N

    Why message cannot be found in CAN database (.dbc text file) ?

    I have CAN database (dbc file). It's a text file. The extension of this file is dbc. When it is opened in Vector CANdb++ Editor, J1939 messages and CAN IDs are populated. However, some of the CAN IDs that are in the CANdb++ Editor could not be found in the .dbc text file, I open the .dbc...
  2. N

    Please explain AIR1 standard SAE J1939 message.

    Consider a truck. The Electronic Brake Systems (EBS) ECU receives following message from some other ECU. Please explain this message. From where does some other module acquire the Suspect Parameters Number (SPNs) to send to EBS ECU. What does EBS do with the SPNs it receives?
  3. dignificent

    How to measure continuity of a single QFN without powering entire board?

    QFN Device in-question * https://www.digikey.com/en/products/detail/MCP2515T-I-ML/MCP2515T-I-MLCT-ND/2601600?utm_campaign=allaboutcircuits&utm_medium=aggregator&curr=usd&utm_source=octopart Data-Read-Outs I want to test for seen on page 67 *...
  4. SaMirakle

    Need Help Decoding Automotive CAN Bus Extended Frame Bits

    Hi everyone, I don't know why but I'm having a tough time decoding CAN Bus data frames, even after looking at many sources showing bit field diagrams of how the data is supposed to be structured. Background on project/goal My main goal is to connect directly to an electronic turbo actuator...