1. T

    Visual led indication of data or voltage on can bus

    I will start with the fact that I have little to know knowledge of building circuits. I am in fact looking for someone that is willing to essentially draw me a wiring diagram and even better list of parts needed. I am building a breakout box for an automotive OBD2 DLC. What I am wanting to do...
  2. K

    Which can converter be suitable for one changing station with two different types of battery

    Compliment of the season to you all. I'm new on this platform and this is my first question, hopefully someone will be of help. I have a project that I'm working on. It is a battery management system for bikes. We have a charging station which communicate on CAN rs458 protocol, but we recently...
  3. S

    CAN bus voltage differences

    Hello, I have a beginner's question about CAN and level shifting and hope this is the proper place. Using TJA1049 I am trying to talk to a device with CAN bus. In the attached image yellow and red are the outputs of TJA1049 CANL and CANH. Split pin of the part is attached to ground using a...
  4. N

    Can CAN 2.0B and J1939 coexist in the same CAN Network?

    Please consider CAN communication network in a heavy vehicle: Steering Electronic Control Unit (ECU) has CAN 2.0B. It doesn't have J1939 stack. All other ECUs in this network are implemented with J1939 stack. Can CAN 2.0B coexist with J1939? What code changes are needed in steering ECU and...
  5. N

    All ECU public CAN channels are on different CAN networks?

    Consider an Electronic Control Unit (ECU) mounted in a vehicle. Let's say this ECU has Three CAN channels as follows: CAN 1 CAN 2 CAN 3 Do these Three CAN channels have to be on different CAN networks? Another words, for example, CAN 1 and CAN 2 are never on the same CAN network? It...
  6. M


    Hello everyone; I want to start a small project for the purpose of ensuring communication between an arduino card and the ECU of my car through the CAN bus. - My care model is : RENAULT SYMBOL - Micro-controller : ATMEGA328P-PU (ARDUINO UNO). - MCP2515 Card...
  7. H

    AC/DC bidirectional battery charger/discharger Firmware/Hardware simulation

    Hi, My project diagram is similar to this idea, Lets say input is 3p 380VAC, 60Hz, Main Transformer MTR runs at 20kHz, DC output should be 50-147 v, charging current 100A. Should have CC and CV mode of operation. I need to implement FW with following facilities, 1. Shunt/ Temperature...
  8. SaMirakle

    Need Help Decoding Automotive CAN Bus Extended Frame Bits

    Hi everyone, I don't know why but I'm having a tough time decoding CAN Bus data frames, even after looking at many sources showing bit field diagrams of how the data is supposed to be structured. Background on project/goal My main goal is to connect directly to an electronic turbo actuator...