Why say AC current, not just AC?

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Jack Bourne

Joined Apr 30, 2008
I was wondering why people say AC current and not just AC.
I can see why its just it sounds weird - Alternating Current current.


Joined Feb 4, 2008
It sounds strange but people use to say AC and mean alternative. It can be voltage or current.

AC voltage

AC current

Don't worry about it, just use it:p


Joined Jul 3, 2008
It's because nobody has reported them to the Department of Redundancy Department yet. :D
Isn't Ratch the department head there? I'm sure he is aware of this problem, but has been bogged down with the "current flow" (i.e. charge flow flow) issue.

-just kidding Ratch! :)


Joined Nov 26, 2007
AC also stands for Acme Corporation, purveyors of all the gadgets Wile E. Coyote used in countless attempts to catch Roadrunner.

I seem to remember that Wile E. Coyote once purchased some currants from this company, which would make them AC currants. On the other hand, I might be making this up.


Joined Aug 15, 2007
Maybe "AC current" is used so it's not confused with Ac -- the current gain. Same for Av.
Or maybe AC stands for Alternating Cyclical?

(I can make things up, too!)

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Jack Bourne

Joined Apr 30, 2008
Hmm, very interesting.

It does soudn weird if you just say, "I then observed the Alternating current." as opposed to AC Current.


Joined Nov 25, 2008
If I have an open circuit voltage of 240VAC, there is no alternating current. Maybe we should lobby for "240VAV" instead? :D
Well we also have to say DV when we talk of DC power even if no current is flowing. :rolleyes:

Lets face it, electronics is great but some of the terms and jargon are for the birds.



Joined Mar 24, 2008
I suspect that has a lot to do with being a fairly old science, that is still frequently being redefined. What we know to be true today may be not so true tomorrow.


Joined May 16, 2005
Who changed the definition on me?
The culprits are likely the Illuminati, the thirteen men from Geneva who secretly run the whole world. Gotta watch those suckers every minute! First, it's a "permanent press" setting on the iron, next they sneak in "peacekeeper" missiles! :D

If indeed "alternating cycle" was the original intent, what does it mean? Do the cycles take turns? Are alternate cycles different from one another? Since the alternation takes place within each cycle, perhaps we should say "alternating within cycle" (AWC) or "alternating cyclically?" (At least it wouldn't be "alternative psychic!":))

And, as LeftyRetro noted, we would still need either "DV" or "direct cycle." Of course, "direct cycle" makes no sense...

Doncha jus' LUV language?