Which would be a better motor

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Joined Jan 20, 2009
I would like to build security camera setup where by camera can pan and Tilt using either a stepper motor OR Dc to pulse width modulator motor device to control dc motor .
I am not sure if I need a dc to pulse width modulator motor device to use for a dc motor .
Thank for infor


Joined Jun 7, 2009
Depends on what your objectives are. If you want to go to some specific, yet varying angular location, a stepper might be the choice. If you want to follow a joystick command, then a PWM might be useful. I've gone through the same process and in the end settled for a stepper because I wanted to perform stacked image analisys.

If you google into the community that photographs astronomy, you'll find a huge amount of information.


Joined May 6, 2009
I might suggest using the RC-servo for one main reason. You do not have to do anything with power electronics going this way. You just hook the motor directly to a power source and the control pin directly to your control signal. The RC-servo also has a built-in gear ratio, allowing a very small motor to control a relatively large load.

With a stepper, you have to either have a stepper-motor driver circuit, or do the switching of the relatively high-current phases of the motor yourself. More transistors have been blown out trying to do this for the first time than anywhere else (except maybe switch-mode power supplies).

The RC-servo is a ready-made solution. They come in a wide range of sizes. Just get one big enough. Too big will still work once loaded, too small won't.


Joined Feb 19, 2009
I'll also chime in with R/C Servos. They are fairly advanced for the price. Depending on camera weight, there should be one that will handle the load.

If starting with a bare stepper or gearhead DC motor, the feedback system to limit the camera extreme limit stops and pan/tilt speed would be rather complex.

Were the cameras going to be controlled by a microcontroller, computer, discrete components, or a combination thereof?