What's taught to kids in school these days? Could be from a Twilight Zone episode!!

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Joined Oct 10, 2014
because you accused others of doing bad things, an accusation you cannot back up with verifiable evidence. What would you think if I told the world that I saw you committing heinous crimes but cannot back it up with facts?

Really? Is this one of those micro aggression thing? or you think you have some super power? :)
I'm not sure it was an accusation. It was a statement of observance.

No, I started the thread and you are continuously antagonistic, so I asked you to stay out of the thread and stop making passive aggressive, subversive claims about me, what I witnessed, and other "typical" behavior of people like you. After a post or two your type can be spotted a galaxy away. I'm not wasting more time on you I have things to do that actually matter.

Maybe someone will see you driving down the road and skid on an ice patch, sliding off the road into a ditch. They call 911 and tell them what happened. The operator is going to tell them "prove it". You end up buried in the blizzard until the snow plow hits the buried car.

Now, did I need proof to get you rescued?
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Joined Nov 4, 2013
I'm a conservative Republican. Trump was last on my list of R's that I would consider voting for. But, I'd be lying if I didn't say he was growing on me.

Anything is better than the other one. And it'll be nice to have someone in the White House who makes me laugh.
At least he has actual experience in running businesses and handling finances gainfully plus he does seem to enjoy firing people which is something this country really need in a leader right now. The other goonette has a near 100% failure rate on everything she has ever had her hands in and as far as her financial skills go she can't add $1 + $1 without taking an undocumented 50 cent cut off the answer to which she will deny later. :rolleyes:


Joined Nov 4, 2013
If your friends crap on you you probably need to find better friends and if your enemies pull you out of that crap just maybe you need to reassess why you think they're your enemy. :rolleyes:


Joined Nov 4, 2013
Ah I see. It's one of those 'it's only funny if you understand the context' jokes.

The 'cool kids' were all over that when I was in my teens. Made em' feel smarter/more popular I guess. :confused::rolleyes:


Joined Sep 30, 2009
Yeah, King Henry VIII created a law that prevented a slave doing his master's bidding when on English soil.
I'm not sure that the 'serfdom' after HenryVIII was much different than slavery. And then the English went from owning people to selling them. Then you have the practice of "indenture".


Joined Jan 17, 2007
You should dig deeper. And do you really think "indigenous people" can't be slaves? Not all slave were African in origin. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Afro-Mexicans
Yes, of course there was "practical slavery" in Mexico. What I meant was that it was never a legal institution, like in the U.S. But even that sort of thing didn't last for long, since the Church intervened and abolished it as soon as it could. In fact, the first universal declaration of human rights ever (and hence, the recognition of native americans, and africans, as fully human, with a personal and spiritual worth exactly the same as anyone else) was made by the Church mainly due to the work of Friar Bartolomé de Las Casas.


Joined Jul 18, 2013
While on the subject of what is being taught in schools, I recently revisited the BBC documentary on Darwin narrated by Richard Dawkins, now on Utube, and one section covered the still present reluctance of Science teachers in both UK and the US to teach the theory of evolution, One such teacher of science actually said he believed the world was less than 10,000 years old!.
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Joined Nov 23, 2012
Some insane or arcane laws on the books still exist in these United States.
Agrees, there is one state that still has a law that makes it illegal to put a nickel in one's nose. A country that allows slavery - same arcane thing, right?

One question, @JoeJester , how would someone get prosecuted if they did keep someone as a slave if no law prohibits it?

Edit.Think about? You really are saying there would be an Arcane Law on the books that would "allow", "encourage" or "mandate" slavery? No, laws usually prevent people from doing something in that realm. Therefore, Mexico likely didn't have a law banning slavery until the 1920's. There wasn't an unenforced, arcane law on the books until 1920's that encouraged slavery.
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Joined Apr 26, 2005
If they abolished something but failed to take it off the books ... That's the same as not enforcing a law.

A nation of laws that don't enforce them is not a nation receiving the respect of others.

Of course the " there ought to be a law" criers just want to create more laws in lieu of enforcing the ones on the books.


Joined Apr 26, 2005
I just saw the edit. I am not advocating slavery. If Mexico stopped slavery long before the law was removed from the books ... then they just didn't enforce it. It just took them a long time to remove it from the books. Probably had a case of slavery or indentured servitude that a local prosecutor tried and lost.


Joined Feb 24, 2006
Agrees, there is one state that still has a law that makes it illegal to put a nickel in one's nose. A country that allows slavery - same arcane thing, right?

One question, @JoeJester , how would someone get prosecuted if they did keep someone as a slave if no law prohibits it?

Edit.Think about? You really are saying there would be an Arcane Law on the books that would "allow", "encourage" or "mandate" slavery? No, laws usually prevent people from doing something in that realm. Therefore, Mexico likely didn't have a law banning slavery until the 1920's. There wasn't an unenforced, arcane law on the books until 1920's that encouraged slavery.
There was a case of a dairy farmer in the Ann Arbor area many years ago where two mentally disabled men were kept in actual servitude to this guy who didn't think he was doing anything wrong.



Joined Apr 26, 2005

You got people passing laws in this country without reading them. Do you really think they want to "review" older laws to ensure they are not outdated? Some people just don't like paperwork. They like the illusion they are working. They let the courts settle the old laws.


Joined Nov 23, 2012
I just saw the edit. I am not advocating slavery. If Mexico stopped slavery long before the law was removed from the books ... then they just didn't enforce it. It just took them a long time to remove it from the books. Probably had a case of slavery or indentured servitude that a local prosecutor tried and lost.
How does a country STOP slavery without making a law banning slavery? Certainly no law was on the books saying Slavery is ok, was there?