Wagon Wheel Theory.

Glenn Holland

Joined Dec 26, 2014
Notice the strobe effect on the appearance of the rotating parts in this video of a wood chipper:

The chipper drum and the squirrel cage blower are running at about 2800 RPM, but it looks like they are completely stopped.
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Joined Sep 22, 2013
Being that there are only two particles in existence, there are only two inertial frequencies. EiF(electron inertia F) and PiF(proton inertia F). So to cancel inertia, what we need is EiF(-180)field and PiF(-180)field. This should work on any material in any state.

What would happen to such an object?

The first thing we might notice is a color change.

This change might be as great as out of our color range and become invisible to us.

Then we might notice a temperature change. It might stay cooler than the environment without heat transfer.

How will the object move? Does it weigh or offer any resistance?

Can we throw it across the room? Will it fall down?

Can we throw it in orbit or out of the solar system?

How and how fast, can we stop it? How fast can we start it?

Spin it? If we paint it, is interior exempt from environment?

What else can we do with it? Or think we can do with it?


Joined Mar 24, 2008
Say what? I think you had better rethink, or better yet, study physics, as that is very much pseudo science. I can think of 5 particles just off the top of my head, and with minimal research can dig up many more.

It is possible I misread your post, but I assume you are talking physics.
We are all familiar with the wagon wheel effect. This is where the spokes of the wheel appear to reverse rotation, without a change in wheel direction.

If you google it, there are several theories to explain this. In the end, the conclusion is that the effect is an ILLUSION caused by the difference in frame frequency and rotary frequency.

We only see this with a strobe, in this case, the frame frequency. If you go out to the ranch, you will not see this.(unless you take a strobe light)

So everybody agrees and is satisfied that this is an ILLUSION.

This so called ILLUSION is one of the few times when nature removes it's cloak and yells "HERE I AM".

Therefore, along with my "Kiss Your Own Ass Theory" to explain particles, I offer my "Wagon Wheel Theory" to explain how Quantum Dynamics can come from a one direction rotary wagon wheel.

SIDE NOTE. I have often wondered why no one has asked me how a particle can flip it's magnetic poles, without changing the direction of charge, OR without the particle physically flipping.....breaking the magnetic field that holds it in the nucleus. This is how such things happen.

Let's begin.

The frame F + rotary F = resultant F and phase (ILLUSION).

I don't know about you, but every time I have added two frequencies, I got a real frequency as a result....so.....

frame F + rotary F = resultant F (REALITY)(undeniable mathematical proof)

Your eyes are not lying to you. The rotation of spokelight has reversed direction.

OH BOY....crackpot time. Bear with me......fear not......common sense is not contagious.

We can prove this. Take a light radio receiver and put it next to the screen. Adjust receiver to only receive the light coming off the spokes. OR get a wagon wheel and a strobe lite.
As you adjust rotary speed.....you can detect many phase shifts and polarization reversals(in the received light) and sync states, as you change thru the frequencies(rotation speeds).

Your eyes are some of the best radio receivers made. Your eyes detect those phase changes and pole reversals as a freeze, rocking and reversal of the spokes.


This is interference. Interference is the result of two or more sources. That's why the result can be different than either source.

This wagon wheel effect(good old fashion interference), happens to everything all the time and everywhere. The only reason we don't see it, is because we can't see the strobe(frame rate). We only see the environment and the result(REALITY).

What are you talking about and what IS the strobe?

Going back to the undeniable mathematical proof formula, let's re-define some terms....I can do this, this is legal now.

F(frequency) of inertia + F of environment = F result (REALITY). And let's trade in that wagon wheel for a particle torus.

If we take the torus out of the environment(F of environment = 0) it will only have F of inertia.
This inertia F is always there(inertia resonance). It's the minimum F.

As you bring the torus into an environment....the F of environmental will be added.

The result is reality F. And reality can be different than the inertia and environment that made it.

Reality is the result of what we know as electrical interference.(between inertia and environment)

The Wagon Wheel effect is real.

Your welcome Partner.
Interesting and very thought provoking. I just read something after work which I stumbled across by accident. Some thought to be lost papers and drawings and notes by some guy I know nothing about from circa 1955 who went by the name of Dr. Walter Russell and on one of the scanned papers he had written this:

"Power is rest. No expression of anything is that which it expresses. Motion is but the expression of power."

So it is interesting that I wandered in here and was caused to think about wagon wheels because whatever direction the wheels seem to be spinning under strobe or without a strobe it is the resting center part of the wheel that expresses the power it possesses through the motion by merely remaining still.