VHDL Newbie Trying to do a 16-to-1 multiplexer

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Joined Oct 9, 2008
Hey all,

I am doing my first course that requires us to know VHDL. I have done programming languages before (C and Java) however I have never done anything like VHDL before. We had two classes of introduction but I am still kinda confused how it works. I keep altering my VHDL file, but I really do not see anything wrong with this. We have 5 basic circuits we need to write code for and simulate and the first one is a 16x1 multiplexer. I am assuming that there will be 4 select bits along with the 16 input bits. This is what the source looks like:

Rich (BB code):
library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;

ENTITY multiplexer IS

 PORT(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p: IN  STD_LOGIC;
      Sel:    IN    STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0);
      y:    OUT STD_LOGIC);
END multiplexer;

ARCHITECTURE behavior OF multiplexer IS
        IF (Sel="0000") then y<=a;
        ELSIF(Sel="0001") then y<=b;
        ELSIF(Sel="0010") then y<=c;
        ELSIF(Sel="0011") then y<=d;
        ELSIF(Sel="0100") then y<=e;
        ELSIF(Sel="0101") then y<=f;
        ELSIF(Sel="0110") then y<=g;
        ELSIF(Sel="0111") then y<=h;
        ELSIF(Sel="1000") then y<=i;
        ELSIF(Sel="1001") then y<=j;
        ELSIF(Sel="1010") then y<=k;
        ELSIF(Sel="1011") then y<=l;
        ELSIF(Sel="1100") then y<=m;
        ELSIF(Sel="1101") then y<=n;
        ELSIF(Sel="1110") then y<=o;
        ELSE y<=p;
        END IF;
END behavior;
We are using the Altera Quartus II 8.1 Web Edition software to do our designs. I compile this succesfully (with 4 warnings however), and then I click the Generate Functional Simulation Netlist button and that works successfully. The problem arises when I try to simulate it using a vector waveform file. I am trying all possible combinations of the 4 select bits to make sure I get the correct output, however when I run the simulation I recieve a warning message saying

"Warning: Can't find signal in vector source file for input pin "|multiplexer|a".
There are 16 of these warnings, going from the a to p that is supposed to be my input pins. I was wondering if anyone could help me and let me know what I need to change so that the simulation will yield the 16 different outputs that I am expecting. Thanks in advance for any help and I hope this makes sense!!
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Joined Jan 24, 2009
hey u can type the program with out using std_logic_vector also,
u can go for only 1 sel:in std_logic
try it
i have done it and got the result