Using AT93C56A as EEPROM with 89c51

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Joined Jun 29, 2010
I need to write a simple program to erase, read, and write a value in assembly language using the EEPROM AT93C56A with the 89c51RB2...can anyone help me get started please? This is really urgent! Thank you for any assistance.

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Joined Jun 29, 2010
Thanks for your post...i have tried to get as much code together as i could for my specific requirements are to erase the EEPROM, read a value in variable EEADR and store in EEBYT then output the value to port 2 of the micro. Can anyone tell me if im on the right track or offer suggestions,,i know its not complete? Thanks

Rich (BB code):
.equ sk, p1.0    ;serial clock
.equ di, p1.1    ;data input
.equ do, p1.2    ;data output
.equ cs, p1.3    ;chip select

     Mov SCON, #50H       ;serial mode
     Mov TMOD, #20H       ;timer1 mode2


;Read a byte from EEPROM

Read:    SETB   cs             ;cs is set
         LCALL  Clock
         SETB   di             ;di is set
         LCALL  Clock
         MOV    A, EEADR
         ANL    A, #3Fh
         ORL    A, EEBYT       ;code and address for read
         LCALL  wr_byt         ;send address
         LCALL  Time
         LCALL  rd_byt         ;read a byte
         CLR    cs             ;cs is set
         RET                   ;return

;Write byte to EEPROM 

Write:   SETB   cs             ;cs is set
         LCALL  Clock
         SETB   di             ;di is set
         LCALL  Clock
         MOV   A, #30h        
         LCALL   wr_byt
         CLR   di              ;clear di
         CLR   cs              ;clear cs

         LCALL  Time

         SETB   cs             ;cs is set
         LCALL  Clock
         SETB   di             ;di is set
         LCALL  Clock
         MOV    A, EEADR
         ANL    A, #1Fh         
         ORL    A, #40h
         LCALL  wr_byt      
         MOV    A, EEBYT
         LCALL  wr_byt
         CLR    di             ;clear di
         CLR    cs             ;clear cs

         LCALL Time

         SETB  cs              ;cs is set
         JNB   do, $
         CLR   cs              ;clear cs

         LCALL  Time

         SETB   cs             ;cs is set
         LCALL  Clock
         SETB   di             ;di is set
         LCALL  Clock
         MOV    A, #00h         
         LCALL  wr_byt
         CLR    di             ;clear di
         CLR    cs             ;clear cs
         RET                   ;return

;Clock time delay

Clock:   SETB  sk              ;clock is set
         MOV   R6, #10h        ;move 10 hex into reg 6

H_Loop:  NOP
         DJNZ  R6, H_Loop
         CLR   sk              ;clear clock

L_Loop:  NOP
         DJNZ  R6, L_Loop
         RET                    ;return

Time:    Mov R6,#10H