

Joined Jan 18, 2008
    list      p=10F206            ; list directive to define processor
    #include <p10F206.inc>        ; processor specific variable definitions


; '__CONFIG' directive is used to embed configuration word within .asm file.
; The lables following the directive are located in the respective .inc file. 
; See respective data sheet for additional information on configuration word.

delay1    equ 0x08
delay2    equ    0x09    ;assign memory locations for variables
currnote    equ    0x0A
duration    equ    0x0B
tone        equ    0x0C
notedata    equ    0x0D
durationindex    equ    0x0E
toneindex    equ    0x0F
testend    equ    0x10
testrest    equ    0x11

RESET_VECTOR    CODE   0x1FF      ; processor reset vector

; Internal RC calibration value is placed at location 0x1FF by Microchip
; as a movlw k, where the k is a literal value.
MAIN    CODE    0x000
    movwf   OSCCAL          ;update register with factory cal value 
    bcf        OSCCAL,FOSC4    ;oscillator output to GP2 disabled
    movlw    b'00010111'        ;wake on pin change and weak pullups enabled,
    OPTION                    ;timer transition on internal clock, assign prescaler to timer, prescaler value 1:256
    bcf        CMCON0,CMPON    ;comparator off
    movlw    b'00001000'
    tris    GPIO            ;set GP3 input, GP0-GP2 outputs
    movlw    b'00000000'
    movwf    GPIO            ;clear output buffer
    btfsc    GPIO,3            ;button pushed? (GP3 low?)
    sleep                    ;no button go to sleep
    movlw     0x00            ;button pushed-reset note pointer to 0
    movwf    currnote                   

    call    getnote            ;get a note to play
    call    decode            ;decode duration and tone data
    goto    nextnote

    movf     currnote,w        ;current note pointer to W
    call    songtable       
    movwf    notedata
    movwf    testend
    incf     testend
    decfsz    testend            ;is notedata=0 (testend=1)(end of song marker)?
    goto    continue        ;song not over
    goto    detectbutton    ;song is over-check the button
    incf     currnote        ;increment note counter
    retlw    0x00           

    movf    notedata,w        ;notedata to register w :dddttttt
    movwf    tone            ;notedata to tone
    movwf    duration        ;notedata to duration
    movlw    b'00011111'       
    andwf    tone,f            ;clear bits 7:5 of tone: 000ttttt
    movlw    b'11100000'
    andwf    duration,f        ;clear bits 4:0 of duration: ddd00000
    swapf    duration,f        ;move bits 7:4 to 3:0 and 3:0 to 7:4: 0000ddd0
    rrf        duration,f        ;rotate right from carry: c0000ddd
    bcf        duration,7        ;clear bit from carry (just in case): 00000ddd
    movf    duration,w
    call    durationtable
    movwf    durationindex
    movf    tone,w
    call    tonetable
    movwf    toneindex

    clrf    TMR0            ;reset timer
    incf    toneindex,w        ;is toneindex=0? (rest)
    movwf    testrest        ;same as is testrest=1
    decfsz    testrest
    goto    toneloop        ;not a rest
    movlw    d'200'            ;a rest
    movwf    toneindex        ;load a value for inner delay loop
    goto    restloop       
    bcf        GPIO,2            ;GP2 goes low
    call    delay
    btfss    TMR0,7            ;check timer MSB
    goto    restloop        ;no timer yet
    bcf        TMR0,7            ;timer detected clear TMR0 MSB
    decfsz    durationindex,F    ;decrement durationindex
    goto     restloop        ;not done yet
    retlw    0x00            ;done
toneloop                    ;start tone generation
    bsf        GPIO,2            ;GP2 goes high
    call     delay
    btfss    TMR0,7            ;check timer MSB
    goto    halfcycle        ;no timer yet
    bcf        TMR0,7            ;timer detected, clear TMR0 MSB
    decfsz    durationindex,F    ;decrement durationindex
    goto     halfcycle        ;not done yet
    retlw    0x00            ;done
    bcf        GPIO,2            ;GP2 goes low
    call    delay
    btfss    TMR0,7            ;check timer MSB
    goto    toneloop        ;no timer yet
    bcf        TMR0,7            ;timer detected clear TMR0 MSB
    decfsz    durationindex,F    ;decrement durationindex
    goto     toneloop        ;not done yet
    retlw    0x00            ;done
        movlw    d'5'                ;load delay1 counter
        movwf    delay1
        movf    toneindex,w            ;load delay2 counter
        movwf    delay2
        decfsz    delay1,F            ;decrement delay1 until zero (outer loop of 1 deep nested loop)
        goto    delay_loop2            ;goto nested inner loop
        retlw    0x00                ;return from the call
        decfsz    delay2,F            ;decrement delay2 until zero (inner loop of 1 deep nested loop)
        goto    delay_loop2            ;not done decrementing. Stay in inner loop.
        goto    delay_loop1            ;done decrementing. Return to outer loop.

    addwf    PCL,f
    retlw    0x1                        ;000=1/64 note
    retlw    0x2                        ;001=1/32 note
    retlw    0x4                        ;010=1/16 note
    retlw    0x8                        ;011=1/8 note
    retlw    0x10                    ;100=1/4 note
    retlw    0x20                    ;101=1/2 note
    retlw    0x40                    ;110=whole note
    retlw    0x80                    ;111=2 whole notes

    addwf    PCL,f
    retlw    d'0'             ;00000=rest-no tone
    retlw    d'222'        ;00001=F#3/G3b
    retlw    d'210'        ;00010=G3
    retlw    d'198'        ;00011=G3#/A4b
    retlw    d'186'        ;00100=A4  <---------A220
    retlw    d'176'        ;00101=A4#/B4b
    retlw    d'166'        ;00110=B4
    retlw    d'156'        ;00111=C4
    retlw    d'147'        ;01000=C4#/D4b
    retlw    d'139'        ;01001=D4
    retlw    d'131'        ;01010=D4#/E4b
    retlw    d'123'        ;01011=E4
    retlw    d'116'        ;01100=F4
    retlw    d'110'        ;01101=F4#/G4b
    retlw    d'103'        ;01110=G4
    retlw    d'97'        ;01111=G4#/A5b
    retlw    d'92'        ;10000=A5  <----------A440
    retlw    d'86'        ;10001=A5#/B5b
    retlw    d'81'        ;10010=B5
    retlw    d'77'        ;10011=C5
    retlw    d'72'        ;10100=C5#/D5b
    retlw    d'68'        ;10101=D5
    retlw    d'64'        ;10110=D5#/E5b
    retlw    d'60'        ;10111=E5
    retlw    d'57'        ;11000=F5
    retlw    d'53'        ;11001=F5#/G5b
    retlw    d'50'        ;11010=G5
    retlw    d'47'        ;11011=G5#/A6b
    retlw    d'44'        ;11100=A6  <---------A880
    retlw    d'42'        ;11101=A6#/B6b
    retlw    d'39'        ;11110=B6
    retlw    d'37'        ;11111=C6

        addwf     PCL,f                ;add offset to program counter
            retlw   b'10001110'    ;G4/4
            retlw   b'10010011'    ;C5/4
            retlw   b'01100000'    ;rest/8
            retlw   b'01100110'    ;B4/8
            retlw   b'10000100'    ;A4/4
            retlw   b'10010011'    ;C5/4
            retlw   b'10000110'    ;B4/4
            retlw   b'10000100'    ;A4/4
            retlw   b'10001110'    ;G4/4
            retlw   b'10010011'    ;C5/4
            retlw   b'10010101'    ;D5/4
            retlw   b'10000110'    ;B4/4
            retlw   b'10000100'    ;A4/4
            retlw   b'10001110'    ;G4/4
            retlw   b'10110011'    ;C5/2
            retlw   b'10000000'    ;rest/4
            retlw   b'10010111'    ;E5/4
            retlw   b'10010111'    ;E5/4
            retlw   b'01100000'    ;rest/8
            retlw   b'01100110'    ;B4/8
            retlw   b'10000110'    ;B4/4
            retlw   b'10010101'    ;D5/4
            retlw   b'10010011'    ;C5/4
            retlw   b'10000110'    ;B4/4
            retlw   b'10000100'    ;A4/4
            retlw   b'01100110'    ;B4/8
            retlw   b'01110011'    ;C5/8
            retlw   b'10010101'    ;D5/4
            retlw   b'10000100'    ;A4/4
            retlw   b'10010111'    ;E5/4
            retlw   b'10010110'    ;D#5/4
            retlw   b'10110101'    ;D5/2
            retlw   b'10000000'    ;rest/4
            retlw   b'10001110'    ;G4/4
            retlw   b'10010011'    ;C5/4
            retlw   b'01100000'    ;rest/8
            retlw   b'01100110'    ;B4/8
            retlw   b'10000100'    ;A4/4
            retlw   b'10010011'    ;C5/4
            retlw   b'10000110'    ;B4/4
            retlw   b'10000100'    ;A4/4
            retlw   b'10001110'    ;G4/4
            retlw   b'10010011'    ;C5/4
            retlw   b'10010101'    ;D5/4
            retlw   b'10010011'    ;C5/4
            retlw   b'10010101'    ;D5/4
            retlw   b'10010110'    ;D#5/4
            retlw   b'10110111'    ;E5/2
            retlw   b'10000000'    ;rest/4
            retlw   b'10010011'    ;C5/4
            retlw   b'10010011'    ;C5/4
            retlw   b'01100000'    ;rest/8
            retlw   b'01110011'    ;C5/8
            retlw   b'10010101'    ;D5/4
            retlw   b'10010011'    ;C5/4
            retlw   b'10010111'    ;E5/4
            retlw   b'01100000'    ;rest/8
            retlw   b'01110011'    ;C5/8
            retlw   b'10011000'    ;F5/4
            retlw   b'10010111'    ;E5/4
            retlw   b'10110111'    ;E5/2
            retlw   b'10110101'    ;D5/2
            retlw   b'10110011'    ;C5/2
            retlw   b'11000000'    ;rest/1

        retlw    b'00000000'            ;END OF SONG (1/64 REST) 
    END                       ; directive 'end of program'
I want an a capella rendition from you on YouTube.


PS: code is not mine


Joined Apr 11, 2010

I have to write a program to do something and it doesn't work.

What's wrong?

Please post correct code.

I need it NOW!

Assignment is due in fifteen minutes.
Probably the grand prize winner in the clueless category! The clincher is the line "...due in fifteen minutes."


Joined Nov 30, 2010
We already have 2 or 3 of these today. Probably what stimulated WBahn to have a rant.
(and I'm not pretending I don't have an occasional rant.)

Thread Starter


Joined Mar 31, 2012
We already have 2 or 3 of these today. Probably what stimulated WBahn to have a rant.
(and I'm not pretending I don't have an occasional rant.)
Yep. I figured it was rant here or rant there -- because there WAS going to be a rant! :D


Joined Jan 17, 2007
The nine-nine-oners?

Let me guess, they'll be here in sixteen minutes.
Yeah... I didn't know what else to call them... we don't have a 911 system down here where I live...
wait.. I just realized I said 991 instead of 911, :confused: I'm so glad I've never had an emergency while visiting the States! :D


Joined Jan 10, 2010

I have to write a program to do something and it doesn't work.

What's wrong?

Please post correct code.

I need it NOW!

Assignment is due in fifteen minutes.
They have an app for that:rolleyes:

The Panic Code app.

Every script and construct ever written; user beware. Your file size may be a bit or two large.

Optimization not included.:p

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