Traffic Signals

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Joined Apr 25, 2008
You only try it when you sit at a light that recycles around you with
no other traffic.This was a test of information received from a source.
Maybe someone knows if the traffic plans are univeral in some respects.
Emergency vehicles have srobe lights that is very bright.
This is for test only,if you are interested only,nothers need not--------
The wire in the pavement is small town with xal radio.
Flashing your lights would come under road rage,If you apply
for an important job,don't be surprised if you don't get road
rage question.It count you a job,also your computer choices
you have no rights before you are hired. Honk your horn.
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Joined Nov 23, 2009
thank you Chris!

back to basics everyone

i dont know how many idiots i have seen flashing lights or honking horns at intersections in a futile attempt to change the traffic lights!

try pulling up to one with a motorcycle late at night and wait and wait and wait for the light to change in your favor if you are not in the primary road....flash your lights, honk your horn, scream profanities, dance a jig...dont matter, wait your turn.
In my times with a motorcycle, this was a common problem, esp late at night when nobody is out. I would often go down a block and flip a 180.

My rural Colorado days was 10 years+ ago, so they hadn't discovered inductive or weight sensor smart lights in my podunk town. They did change when you would flash lights from a few hundred yards prior though. I would be on the highway that runs through town and the light would change to red (timer based) and I would flash a few times and you could see the other light go to red with a quickness and mine turn green again. -Allegedly- ;)

Sometimes I could reverse a yellow... allegedly...

p.s. this was done when absolutely nobody else was on the road... allegedly


Joined Nov 28, 2009
the point here is that everyone is correct.
the municipalities choose the system they can afford / consider safest / latest government mandate / company owned by mayor, etc.

this is why I linked three of the most common.

coils in the ground? yes indeed!
strobe/light sensors? of course!
sound? why not?
timers? oh yeah!
barney fife behind the bushes with a remote control? nah!

the entertaining part is watching people guess which is being used at that intersection.
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Joined Nov 23, 2009
What that someone failed to tell them was that the sensor (which looks like a small PCB Camera box) looks down the road. It is aimed so that it is not tripped by a vehicle at the light.
Yep, that's why it worked for me... I discovered it for myself when I was on the cross street and saw the light go from yellow back to green again as a cop was coming down the highway, he didn't have any other lights on just flashed his brights and it changed, so I thunk, "hmmmm".

But not even in my tender teenage years, would I have exploited it if there was anybody else on the road. The lights on the 60mph highway would have very little yellow time, so it was a real bear to be driving along late at night and have it change only because it was on a timer. Yes, it was 'wrong' but certainly wasn't the worst thing I did at that age, lol.