The Real Reason That Pot Won't Legal In The World

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Joined Apr 25, 2008
Who know the real reason that pot won't be legal in most countries
in the world.Yes you can use It and pay a fine,but It won't be legal
for many years to come.Some states vote to let you have a small
amount.The real reason Is federal,a little known guy In the justice
department did something.What did he do and why will it be a long
If ever, Loosewire has the answer.Try me.Guest you will have to sign
up to find out,why not. Come on guys I am armed with Information
and It Is world wide,you can read It for your self.It I not my words
It Is legal words that knock your socks off.
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Duane P Wetick

Joined Apr 23, 2009
Former president Jimmy Carter came out and stated that marijuana should be made a legal drug because too many Americans are being put in jail because of it. Its is possibly today the single largest source of a new stream of tax revenue.


Joined Oct 3, 2010
It was criminalized around the same time as prohibition IIRC. Look up the the history channel series "illegal drugs and how they got that way" - you will see - a bunch of b.s.

It has had such a negative stigma for so long that people (that is, people who'se opinions matter) are afraid to take on the issue for fear of losing credibility.

Legalizing pot could be the best thing for this country. As previously mentioned, it could be an enormous source of tax revenue; place a 50% tax on it; call it a sin tax. It would be an enormous source of revenue for farmers also; imagine fields of legal pot right here on our shores. wouldn't have a problem finding legal workers to bring in the harvest anymore. it would also be a huge CUT in spending in the area of law enforcement for more than one reason; the first and most obvious reason is the end users picked off the street & locked up on the tax payers dollar. I hate that my tax dollars pay to lock potheads up; I don't care if potheads smoke; I would rather my money go to something important. Second, drug cartels. I don't know the numbers, but I know that the reason drug cartels exist is because drugs are illegal. make them legal, and then drug cartels will become obsolete (the pot division of them anyways). remove the reason to continue funding the war on drugs - I think it would also cut down on the amount of beheadings and murders near the border.

To my knowledge there has never been a credible study that has shown marijuana to be harmful to health. Also, pot is a safer drug than alcohol IMO. When is the last time you saw someone who was stoned out of their gourd on pot slap a woman, get in a brawl, wave a gun around, and then drive their car into a pylon? - no, that's what drunks do. The only thing potheads do is sit around and eat/play video games, watch movies, and if they absolutely must leave the cave, they drive a little slow.

Sure potheads are on average lazier than the rest, but is it because of the pot or is it the kind of lazy personality type that attracts one to pot? what came first the chicken or the egg?

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Joined Apr 25, 2008
Ok, guys you can go to wikipedia-A 1988-United Nations convention
against illict traffic in narcotics and drug and psychotropic. So It like
N.A.F.T.A. a treaty and convention is similar documents that countries
honor.They can't be changed easy a lot of countries have to agree to
change.That why you got D.E.A. is around the world tracking drugs.Go to
wikipedia Its good reading,according to the agreement cannibus is a
drug. Pot want be legal in your life time.All the other talk around is just
talk,This Is International Law,read up on treadies between countries.
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Joined Mar 24, 2008
Yeah, right. It is not enforced in several states, and several other states are decriminalizing it. The treaty theory doesn't wash, the USA has a history of ignoring treaties if they are not in our best interest.

I will agree to disagree with you on this one.


Joined Mar 24, 2008
You do realize Wikipedia is written by people like you and me? Anyone can post an opinion there. I have my opinion, they have theirs, and you have yours. As with many things, only time will tell.


Joined Jul 3, 2008
I think it's ironic that a country like the USA, founded on the idea of freedom, would outlaw a naturally growing plant, particularly one that had practical uses (hemp rope, paper, textiles, plastics, and even medical uses).

I never tried, or even wished to try it as a drug, dispite having it offerred to me at many times. I've watched too many people let it sap their motivation and ambition, and know too many mentally ill people that tried to self-medicate with it, and want nothing to do with that.

Still, it bugs me that I can't let such a nice flowering plant decorate my garden. - Not that I would be likely to do it if it were legal, but the idea that I can't makes me feel less free. - Sort of like the way the Brittish outlawed the making of sea-salt in India. Some things seem like common-law rights, and the keeping and cultivation of natural plants for utility or aesthetics should be protected by common-law.
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Joined Sep 30, 2009
The real reason pot was made illegal is because of William Randolf Hurst! Yeah the newspaper guy. He had just bought millions of acres of forest to use as pulp to make paper, to corner that market and make more money.

About the same time someone else started to make newsprint paper from hemp. Took less to make paper from a weed than from wood. And you could replant the same land every year and it could be grown closer to the paper mill. The big thing was it was cheaper than wood pulp paper and would put Hurst out of the paper supply business.

Hurst used his influence in congress to put a stop to it. A guy named Harry Anslinger was a alcohol Prohibition agent that was put in charge of making pot/hemp illegal. And the rest is history.

The reason the government can't make money from legalizing pot is that anyone any where can grow it. It is a fantastic plant and could /was used for centuries for many things - paper, oil, paints and varnish, animal feed, plastic and more.


Joined Apr 24, 2011
I believe "The Real Reason That Pot Won't Legal In The World" is because those who wish it so are unable to write a lucid statement as to why it should be legal.


Joined Oct 3, 2010
The reason the government can't make money from legalizing pot is that anyone any where can grow it. It is a fantastic plant and could /was used for centuries for many things - paper, oil, paints and varnish, animal feed, plastic and more.
I can grow potatoes, beets, cabbage, oranges, tobacco, hopps to make beer, whatever I want in my back yard, but the government still taxes that! If it were legalized, farmers would grow it in such quantities that it wouldn't be worth it to grow it in your back yard, just like it isn't worth it to most people to grow their own gardens.

I believe "The Real Reason That Pot Won't Legal In The World" is because those who wish it so are unable to write a lucid statement as to why it should be legal.

keen observation!

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Joined Apr 25, 2008
You guys can't read a convention or treaty that what the story
is about.Every one has an opinion knowing the facts don't matter.
It has nothing to do with states,Its a federal government treaty.
N.A.F.T.A. Is a treaty,look how hard It Is to change that.The
trucks coming out of Mexico don't have to be Inspected. Its part
of the tready.What about all the Indian treadies that allow them
to what they want on there land.The reason they don't sell pot
Is part of a treaty.Treaties effect your every day life,you should
know more about them.
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Joined Apr 25, 2008
I don't use spell check and my mind go a 100 miles an hour
to get things out.You self made guy you can understand.


Joined Jul 3, 2008
I don't use spell check and my mind go a 100 miles an hour
to get things out.You self made guy you can understand.
Sure, I understand, but you have to admit, it's a funny mistake, given the context of what you said and making the error 7 times. ;)
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Joined Apr 25, 2008
Steve(spell)B,spell it. I like that spelling bee.
You see how my mind works.Throwing the dice
seven times.Thanks SteveB I went back and
made corrections.
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Joined Nov 30, 2010
Hmmm..."unable to write a lucid statement". Good thing nobody here is unable to write a lucid statement! We might suspect them of smoking pot. (It makes their brains go faster than their typing.)

My personal view is that all drug trade is "untaxed commerce". The government can't allow that! It would challenge their soverignty. Because pot is a weed that can be grown anywhere, by anybody, with little or zero effort, the only way to stop people from getting away with not paying taxes on everything in the world is to make them criminals. That's the "follow the money" point of view.


Joined Sep 21, 2010
After having an aprentice mechanic that smoked dope, never again basicly unemployable & cant be trusted on a job.