Race change?

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Joined Apr 16, 2010
I am curious as to whether there are people who would prefer to have been born a different race than they were.

I am not much interested in what race you are or what race you might want to be, but just whether or not you would have chosen the race you are (if you had been given a choice.)

And, yes I know we are all part of the human race, but that is not what I am asking.



Joined Feb 5, 2010
Might as well ask if a person has "pride" in who they are.

If I was checkered like a Scottish Kelt I would still be proud of who I was and of my heritage. Besides, pure races are almost a text book history story. These days almost everyone alive has relatives of a different race somewhere in the family tree. I have American Indian, French, and Black Dutch (Jewish) ancestors. So what race am I really? I'm not sure. Are you?


Joined Sep 22, 2013
I don’t know about race, but it’s quite true for skin color.

Look at the products and services for both lightening and darkening skin color.

Big business. Big money. Big demand for it.

I once interviewed for a cosmetic company. It was the most PC and serious company I ever saw.

And the richest. Even in depression, one can always profit from vanity.

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Joined Apr 16, 2010
Thanks for the responses.

Of course I realize that almost everyone is mixed race to some degree, but most people that I know consider themselves to be part of one of the traditional major racial groups. That is what I meant to ask about.

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Joined Apr 16, 2010
This is a simple question that boils down to, "Are you completely satisfied with your racial makeup whatever it may be, or not." I am hoping for a simple "yes" or "no" answer. More than that, I am not interested in. Don't answer if that makes you uncomfortable.

And just to get things started, my answer is "yes."

See. It's not hard. :)


Joined Jan 6, 2004
I am curious as to whether there are people who would prefer to have been born a different race than they were.
Their pondering on things that happened with no chances of an option: excercise in futility.

My comments in no special order:

Family, complexion, race, physical appearance, country, are just reasons for me to feel happy or regret. But pride, no; if I do not deserve credit, no reason to feel pride.

Sincerely, I only feel proud of the few stupid things that I could have done right in life and what could have gained me credit on somebody else's list.

BTW, according to my ex, that list was extremely brief and I started to believe that as well.

The day that The One Up There, switches the lights off for me, even that will prove futile as well...even my stubborn attempt to understand PID control reasonably well.


Joined Nov 30, 2010
I have always felt lucky to be (or pass for) a white man in America. I'd probably feel the same way to be a black man in Kenya. So, my answer is, "yes". I am entirely satisfied with being half Danish and 47% Anglo-Saxon mutt.


Joined Nov 23, 2012
There is a long list of things I cannot do well. There is a long list of stereo types that point to people who might do them better than me. However, I normally assume that everyone is good at something and nobody is good everything. Therefore, if I become better at something else, I would have to give up something I currently have. So, in the end, I'm ok with who I am and where I am from (but by wife may have a different answer for me).


Joined Jul 18, 2013
In the grander scheme of things it does not matter, if you are reading this, you have already won the greatest lottery there ever was, the odds or chances of ever existing at all are too large to contemplate.:cool:


Joined Nov 23, 2012
In the grander scheme of things it does not matter, if you are reading this, you have already won the greatest lottery there ever was, the odds or chances of ever existing at all are too large to contemplate.:cool:
You made me think of Monty Python's "The meaning of life"
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