PWM and digital logic

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Joined Nov 25, 2009
Many years ago, I met a scan pulse should be change to the control signal as your needed, the difference is that your pulse isn't fixed.

I haven't try your PWM pulse yet, if you want then you can try it.
1N4148x1, Rx2 , Cap x3, calculating the values to match your need.

Can you make a quick sketch, even on paint? I don't understand the top line of your picture.

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Joined Nov 25, 2009
Used a PICAXE 08M2 to do the job.

I hadn't touched such a low level language in a loooong time.
It was my first contact with a PICAXE system. Its features are absolutely hideous by today's standards. No negative numbers?!

But, hey, the program works and with the first compilation too!

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Joined Nov 25, 2009
Huh! Never heard about it! It's exactly what I wanted.

BUT it costs several times as much as the PICAXE+74157 I used. Essentially I bought the hardware and built a similar system with 4 tied relays. ;)

To be fair, the picoswitch allows large amperage, though.
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