PIC16F877 assembly program problem on a LED cube

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Joined May 12, 2009
For some time now I keep trying to program my cube. But no success. I think is something that I'm declaring wrong. :confused: I have attached a sample of my program to light up a led made by me and my main program (the final one that will go on the cube; it should show on the cube the letters VALHI and numbers 209 and some animations). I have the npn tranzistors that comand the catods on ports A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 and pnp tranzistors that comand the anods on ports B0 all the way to E0 (25 in total). To light up a led I have to activate, let's say layer 1 (A0) by giving 1 and column 1 (B0) by giving 0. It is not a difficult program but I can't just get it to work. I use MPLAB to make the program.

Main program(final one)(it is to long so I'ved upload it on a server): http://www17.zippyshare.com/v/63284413/file.html
Pic of my cube: http://www1.zippyshare.com/v/49857516/file.html
Please help. For any other info just ask me ;)

Program to light up a led:
Rich (BB code):
 		processor       16F877
           list            f=INHX32
	list      p=16F877        	; list directive to define processor
	include         p16f877.inc
       __config _hs_osc & _wdt_off & _pwrte_on & _cp_off
          radix           dec
        __config        h'3F32' ;OSC is HS
                                ;RB3,RB6,RB7 are I/O
                                ;Brown-out detection OFF
                                ;Power-up timer ON
                                ;Code protection OFF
                                ;Data code protection OFF
                                ;Watchdog timer OFF

        errorlevel      -302    ;Eliminate bank warning
        errorlevel      -307    ;Eliminate Setting page bits warning

        cblock  h'20'
        cnt100u                         ;100us counter

;************************  Program Start  ***************************
        org     0               ;Reset Vector
        goto    init

;************************  Initial Process  *************************
        org     6

;*** Port initialization
        bsf     status,rp0      ;Change to Bank1
        clrf    trisa           ;Set RA5-0 to OUTPUT
        clrf    trisb           ;Set RB7-0 to OUTPUT
        clrf    trisc           ;Set RC7-0 to OUTPUT
        clrf    trisd           ;Set RD7-0 to OUTPUT
        clrf    trise           ;Set RE2-0 to OUTPUT
        bcf     status,rp0      ;Change to Bank0
        clrf    porta           ;Clear PORTA
        clrf    portb           ;Clear PORTB
        clrf    portc           ;Clear PORTC
        clrf    portd           ;Clear PORTD
        clrf    porte           ;Clear PORTE


START:	    movlw b'00000001'
		movwf PORTA
               movlw b'11111110'
		movwf PORTB
		movlw b'11111111'
		movwf PORTC
		movlw b'11111111'
		movwf PORTD
		movlw b'00000111'
		movwf PORTE



;                 END of Clock display check program



Sorry for my english:p
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Joined May 12, 2009
Is there anyone that could help me?

Please. I don't know what to try anymore with my program. I just have to give 1 and 0 signals to the ports. 1 for A0,A1,A2,A3,A4 and 0 for the rest of the ports. As You cand can see I have allready come up with a program to light a led and a big one with text and animations. I just don't know how to put them togheter in the big program, how to call the declarations.

I'm really desperate. Please help.



Joined Jan 16, 2008
I have not looked at your full listing but one thing that does strike me is that you are using porta and porte as digital ports but I don't see any statements in your configuration to set them to digital. Be aware that in PICs ports that can be analog or digital default to the analog state.

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Joined May 12, 2009
First let me explain more the working principle of my cube. It has 5 layers (5 led matrix 5x5) witch are the ground units controlet by 5 tranzistors npn witch are set ON by giving from the MCU "1" signals trough ports A0,A1,A2,A3,A4; and 25 columns wich are the anods + that are controled by pnp tranzistors wich are activated by giving from MCU "0" signals trough ports B0-B7,C0-C7,D0-D7 and E0.

I have tested this by giving 5V ("1" signal) on ports A0-A4 and by giving 0V ("0" signal) on column ports and it works so the circuit is OK.
5 minutes ago I have simulated my program with pic simulator IDE from http://www.oshonsoft.com/ and appears to be working.

I don't know what to do anymore.

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Joined May 12, 2009
Do you mean something like this:

MOVLW 0x00
MOVLW 0x00


Joined Jan 16, 2008
No I'm thinking more in terms of:


Take a look at the data sheet description of porta and the registers that it uses.
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Joined May 12, 2009
But shouldn't ports B C and D be digital outputs to? Because I'm using all the ports of the MCU as outputs


Joined Jan 16, 2008
Ports b and c are digital by default, they have no analog capabilities so you don,t have to worry about them. Its just the ports which can be either digital or analog that must be configured to work as digital ports.

The fact that they default to analog and must be commanded to act as digital ports catches out every one who has ever learning PIC programming.

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Joined May 12, 2009
So this is for PORTA:
MOVWF ADCON1 ;makes all the pins of PORTA as Digital I/O
MOVLW 0x07
MOVWF COMCON ;disables the comparators

But I can't get it for PORTE and D


Joined Jan 16, 2008
Setting ADCON1 to 0X06 sets AN0 - AN7 to be digital ports, this range includes all porta pins and all porte pins. Everything else is digital by default so you don't need to worry about it.

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Joined May 12, 2009
So the final code to light up a led should be like this:

Rich (BB code):
	processor       16F877
           list            f=INHX32
	list      p=16F877        	; list directive to define processor
	include         p16f877.inc
       __config _hs_osc & _wdt_off & _pwrte_on & _cp_off
          radix           dec
        __config        h'3F32' ;OSC is HS
                                ;RB3,RB6,RB7 are I/O
                                ;Brown-out detection OFF
                                ;Power-up timer ON
                                ;Code protection OFF
                                ;Data code protection OFF
                                ;Watchdog timer OFF

        errorlevel      -302    ;Eliminate bank warning
        errorlevel      -307    ;Eliminate Setting page bits warning

        cblock  h'20'
        cnt100u                         ;100us counter

;************************  Program Start  ***************************
        org     0               ;Reset Vector
        goto    init

;************************  Initial Process  *************************
        org     6

;*** Port initialization
        bsf     status,rp0      ;Change to Bank1
        clrf    trisa           ;Set RA5-0 to OUTPUT
        clrf    trisb           ;Set RB7-0 to OUTPUT
        clrf    trisc           ;Set RC7-0 to OUTPUT
        clrf    trisd           ;Set RD7-0 to OUTPUT
        clrf    trise           ;Set RE2-0 to OUTPUT
        bcf     status,rp0      ;Change to Bank0
        clrf    porta           ;Clear PORTA
        clrf    portb           ;Clear PORTB
        clrf    portc           ;Clear PORTC
        clrf    portd           ;Clear PORTD
        clrf    porte           ;Clear PORTE

        MOVLW 0X06
        MOVWF ADCON1


START:	    movlw b'00000001'
		movwf PORTA
               movlw b'11111110'
		movwf PORTB
		movlw b'11111111'
		movwf PORTC
		movlw b'11111111'
		movwf PORTD
		movlw b'00000111'
		movwf PORTE



;                 END of Clock display check program


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Joined May 12, 2009
Thank you very much. I didn't know about this.

Tomorrow I will load the final program in the MCU and hopefully it will bring to life my led cube.

Thanks again.


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Joined May 12, 2009
So.. I managed to get it to work. Had some hardware problems (the 15pf capacitors had to be replaced with 22pf) but the program to light up a led works great. I made another one for letter "V" and it works to.

I have made declarations for letters V A L H I and numbers 2 0 9 and some animations for each vertical matrice of the cube. The final effect should be the letters and numbers comming from the back of the cube to the front by turning off the previous one.
I want to call them one after the other with a short delay between them. I have made a sample with letter V and L. But I don't know how to create the delay.

Sample V and L:

Rich (BB code):
 		processor       16F877
        list            f=INHX32
        include         p16f877.inc
;       __config _hs_osc & _wdt_off & _pwrte_on & _cp_off
        radix           dec
        __config        h'3F32' ;OSC is HS
                                ;RB3,RB6,RB7 are I/O
                                ;Brown-out detection OFF
                                ;Power-up timer ON
                                ;Code protection OFF
                                ;Data code protection OFF
                                ;Watchdog timer OFF

        errorlevel      -302    ;Eliminate bank warning
        errorlevel      -307    ;Eliminate Setting page bits warning

        cblock  h'20'
		cnt100u                         ;100us counter

;************************  Program Start  ***************************
        org     0               ;Reset Vector
        goto    init

;************************  Initial Process  *************************
        org     6

;*** Port initialization
        bsf     status,rp0      ;Change to Bank1
        clrf    trisa           ;Set RA5-0 to OUTPUT
	clrf    trisb           ;Set RB7-0 to OUTPUT
        clrf    trisc           ;Set RC7-0 to OUTPUT
        clrf    trisd           ;Set RD7-0 to OUTPUT
        clrf    trise           ;Set RE2-0 to OUTPUT
        bcf     status,rp0      ;Change to Bank0
        clrf    porta           ;Clear PORTA
        clrf    portb           ;Clear PORTB
        clrf    portc           ;Clear PORTC
        clrf    portd           ;Clear PORTD
        clrf    porte           ;Clear PORTE

	MOVWF ADCON1        ;makes all the pins of PORTA as Digital I/O



	call PROCL1

	goto START

PROCV1: movlw b'00000111'
	movwf PORTA
        movlw b'11101110'
	movwf PORTB
	movlw b'11111111'
	movwf PORTC
	movlw b'11111111'
	movwf PORTD
	movlw b'00000111'
	movwf PORTE

	movlw b'00000000'
	movwf PORTA
        movlw b'11111111'
	movwf PORTB
	movlw b'11111111'
	movwf PORTC
	movlw b'11111111'
	movwf PORTD
	movlw b'00000111'
	movwf PORTE

	movlw b'00001000'
	movwf PORTA
        movlw b'11110101'
	movwf PORTB
	movlw b'11111111'
	movwf PORTC
	movlw b'11111111'
	movwf PORTD
	movlw b'00000111'
	movwf PORTE

	movlw b'00000000'
	movwf PORTA
        movlw b'11111111'
	movwf PORTB
	movlw b'11111111'
	movwf PORTC
	movlw b'11111111'
	movwf PORTD
	movlw b'00000111'
	movwf PORTE

	movlw b'00100000'
	movwf PORTA
        movlw b'11111011'
	movwf PORTB
	movlw b'11111111'
	movwf PORTC
	movlw b'11111111'
	movwf PORTD
	movlw b'00000111'
	movwf PORTE

	movlw b'00000000'
	movwf PORTA
        movlw b'11111111'
	movwf PORTB
	movlw b'11111111'
	movwf PORTC
	movlw b'11111111'
	movwf PORTD
	movlw b'00000111'
	movwf PORTE


PROCL1: movlw b'00000000'
	movwf PORTA
        movlw b'11111111'
	movwf PORTB
	movlw b'11111111'
	movwf PORTC
	movlw b'11111111'
	movwf PORTD
	movlw b'00000111'
	movwf PORTE

	movlw b'00101111'
	movwf PORTA
        movlw b'11111110'
	movwf PORTB
	movlw b'11111111'
	movwf PORTC
	movlw b'11111111'
	movwf PORTD
	movlw b'00000111'
	movwf PORTE

	movlw b'00000000'
	movwf PORTA
        movlw b'11111111'
	movwf PORTB
	movlw b'11111111'
	movwf PORTC
	movlw b'11111111'
	movwf PORTD
	movlw b'00000111'
	movwf PORTE

	movlw b'00100000'
	movwf PORTA
        movlw b'11100001'
	movwf PORTB
	movlw b'11111111'
	movwf PORTC
	movlw b'11111111'
	movwf PORTD
	movlw b'00000111'
	movwf PORTE

	movlw b'00000000'
	movwf PORTA
        movlw b'11111111'
	movwf PORTB
	movlw b'11111111'
	movwf PORTC
	movlw b'11111111'
	movwf PORTD
	movlw b'00000111'
	movwf PORTE


;                 END of Clock display check program

Can You help please.


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Joined May 12, 2009
So... I got a delay routine from the generator. This is how my program looks now:

Rich (BB code):
 	processor       16F877
        list            f=INHX32
        include         p16f877.inc
;        __config _hs_osc & _wdt_off & _pwrte_on & _cp_off
        radix           dec
        __config        h'3F32' ;OSC is HS
                                ;RB3,RB6,RB7 are I/O
                                ;Brown-out detection OFF
                                ;Power-up timer ON
                                ;Code protection OFF
                                ;Data code protection OFF
                                ;Watchdog timer OFF

        errorlevel      -302    ;Eliminate bank warning
        errorlevel      -307    ;Eliminate Setting page bits warning


        cblock  h'20'
		cnt100u                         ;100us counter

;************************  Program Start  ***************************
        ;org     0               ;Reset Vector
        ;goto    init

;************************  Initial Process  *************************
        ;org     6

;************************  Port initialization  *************************
        bsf     status,rp0      ;Change to Bank1
        clrf    trisa           ;Set RA5-0 to OUTPUT
	clrf    trisb           ;Set RB7-0 to OUTPUT
        clrf    trisc           ;Set RC7-0 to OUTPUT
        clrf    trisd           ;Set RD7-0 to OUTPUT
        clrf    trise           ;Set RE2-0 to OUTPUT
        bcf     status,rp0      ;Change to Bank0
        clrf    porta           ;Clear PORTA
        clrf    portb           ;Clear PORTB
        clrf    portc           ;Clear PORTC
        clrf    portd           ;Clear PORTD
        clrf    porte           ;Clear PORTE

	MOVWF ADCON1        ;makes all the pins of PORTA as Digital I/O

;************************  Delay routine  *************************

; Delay = 0.5 seconds
; Clock frequency = 20 MHz

; Actual delay = 0.5 seconds = 2500000 cycles
; Error = 0 %


			;2499992 cycles
	movlw	0x15
	movwf	d1
	movlw	0x74
	movwf	d2
	movlw	0x06
	movwf	d3
	decfsz	d1, f
	goto	$+2
	decfsz	d2, f
	goto	$+2
	decfsz	d3, f
	goto	Delay_0

			;4 cycles
	goto	$+1
	goto	$+1

			;4 cycles (including call)

;************************  Main program  *************************

START:	call procv1
	call delay
	clrf porta
	clrf portb
	clrf portc
	clrf portd
	clrf porte
	goto start

PROCV1: movlw b'00000111'
	movwf PORTA
        movlw b'11101110'
	movwf PORTB
	movlw b'11111111'
	movwf PORTC
	movlw b'11111111'
	movwf PORTD
	movlw b'00000111'
	movwf PORTE

	movlw b'00000000'
	movwf PORTA
        movlw b'11111111'
	movwf PORTB
	movlw b'11111111'
	movwf PORTC
	movlw b'11111111'
	movwf PORTD
	movlw b'00000111'
	movwf PORTE

	movlw b'00001000'
	movwf PORTA
        movlw b'11110101'
	movwf PORTB
	movlw b'11111111'
	movwf PORTC
	movlw b'11111111'
	movwf PORTD
	movlw b'00000111'
	movwf PORTE

	movlw b'00000000'
	movwf PORTA
        movlw b'11111111'
	movwf PORTB
	movlw b'11111111'
	movwf PORTC
	movlw b'11111111'
	movwf PORTD
	movlw b'00000111'
	movwf PORTE

	movlw b'00100000'
	movwf PORTA
        movlw b'11111011'
	movwf PORTB
	movlw b'11111111'
	movwf PORTC
	movlw b'11111111'
	movwf PORTD
	movlw b'00000111'
	movwf PORTE

	movlw b'00000000'
	movwf PORTA
        movlw b'11111111'
	movwf PORTB
	movlw b'11111111'
	movwf PORTC
	movlw b'11111111'
	movwf PORTD
	movlw b'00000111'
	movwf PORTE



And I don't get it. Shouldn't this blink procv1 at a interval of 0.5s??? It doesn't light up not even a single LED.


Joined Jan 16, 2008
One thing that does stand out is that the cblock statements in the delay routine should be combined with your cblock statement at the beginning of the program, otherwise you may get your cnt100u variable overwritten.

Thread Starter


Joined May 12, 2009
Something like this:

Rich (BB code):
 	processor       16F877
        list            f=INHX32
        include         p16f877.inc
;        __config _hs_osc & _wdt_off & _pwrte_on & _cp_off
        radix           dec
        __config        h'3F32' ;OSC is HS
                                ;RB3,RB6,RB7 are I/O
                                ;Brown-out detection OFF
                                ;Power-up timer ON
                                ;Code protection OFF
                                ;Data code protection OFF
                                ;Watchdog timer OFF

        errorlevel      -302    ;Eliminate bank warning
        errorlevel      -307    ;Eliminate Setting page bits warning


;************************  Program Start  ***************************
        ;org     0               ;Reset Vector
        ;goto    init

;************************  Initial Process  *************************
        ;org     6

;************************  Port initialization  *************************
        bsf     status,rp0      ;Change to Bank1
        clrf    trisa           ;Set RA5-0 to OUTPUT
	clrf    trisb           ;Set RB7-0 to OUTPUT
        clrf    trisc           ;Set RC7-0 to OUTPUT
        clrf    trisd           ;Set RD7-0 to OUTPUT
        clrf    trise           ;Set RE2-0 to OUTPUT
        bcf     status,rp0      ;Change to Bank0
        clrf    porta           ;Clear PORTA
        clrf    portb           ;Clear PORTB
        clrf    portc           ;Clear PORTC
        clrf    portd           ;Clear PORTD
        clrf    porte           ;Clear PORTE

	MOVWF ADCON1        ;makes all the pins of PORTA as Digital I/O

;************************  Delay routine  *************************

; Delay = 0.5 seconds
; Clock frequency = 20 MHz

; Actual delay = 0.5 seconds = 2500000 cycles
; Error = 0 %


			;2499992 cycles
	movlw	0x15
	movwf	cnt100u
	movlw	0x74
	movwf	cnt100u_1
	movlw	0x06
	movwf	cnt100u_2
	decfsz	cnt100u, f
	goto	$+2
	decfsz	cnt100u_1, f
	goto	$+2
	decfsz	cnt100u_2, f
	goto	Delay_0

			;4 cycles
	goto	$+1
	goto	$+1

			;4 cycles (including call)

;************************  Main program  *************************

START:	call procv1
	call delay
	clrf porta
	clrf portb
	clrf portc
	clrf portd
	clrf porte
	goto start

PROCV1: movlw b'00000111'
	movwf PORTA
        movlw b'11101110'
	movwf PORTB
	movlw b'11111111'
	movwf PORTC
	movlw b'11111111'
	movwf PORTD
	movlw b'00000111'
	movwf PORTE

	movlw b'00000000'
	movwf PORTA
        movlw b'11111111'
	movwf PORTB
	movlw b'11111111'
	movwf PORTC
	movlw b'11111111'
	movwf PORTD
	movlw b'00000111'
	movwf PORTE

	movlw b'00001000'
	movwf PORTA
        movlw b'11110101'
	movwf PORTB
	movlw b'11111111'
	movwf PORTC
	movlw b'11111111'
	movwf PORTD
	movlw b'00000111'
	movwf PORTE

	movlw b'00000000'
	movwf PORTA
        movlw b'11111111'
	movwf PORTB
	movlw b'11111111'
	movwf PORTC
	movlw b'11111111'
	movwf PORTD
	movlw b'00000111'
	movwf PORTE

	movlw b'00100000'
	movwf PORTA
        movlw b'11111011'
	movwf PORTB
	movlw b'11111111'
	movwf PORTC
	movlw b'11111111'
	movwf PORTD
	movlw b'00000111'
	movwf PORTE

	movlw b'00000000'
	movwf PORTA
        movlw b'11111111'
	movwf PORTB
	movlw b'11111111'
	movwf PORTC
	movlw b'11111111'
	movwf PORTD
	movlw b'00000111'
	movwf PORTE


