opamp current direction in e-book


Joined Feb 19, 2009
For all calculations, I always use the conventional current model. That means assuming all nodes have a positive voltage unless they have a negative voltage source directly connected to them. That means charge flows away from the node if the branch is connected to a less positive node. If the voltage is calculated to be negative, then the positive voltage assumption was wrong. I don't worry about the real carrier flow until I finish the calculations, and only if necessary.
This is also my method when a simulator isn't handy.

Outside of the 3-6 node Homework problems, assigning arbitrary 'rough guesses' allows you to find a steady state quicker. I grew up 'knowing' positive went to negative. That changed while I was in college.

It is easy to keep them separate when changing disciplines, such as a chemistry class. The ion states tell you which way currents will move. In general circuit analysis, it doesn't matter which way, as long as a consistent method is chosen.

I've said it before, multiple times, that either way is fine with me. However, this site, and the eBook are geared for beginners. Nearly all other material those beginners read shows conventional flow. Why not stay with what they know until they are at a level that they are able to understand the Factual and Accurate "arguments" for both methods mentioned in this thread?

Electronics is an extremely rewarding and fun hobby for many. Many will never do anything more than assemble circuits they've found, and maybe modify them. For that audience, I believe using 'quantum theory correct' current flow is needless confusion. When the time comes that students need to consider what flows in which direction, they won't need to know why. As it is, people are asking why, and there isn't even a need to know.

Once they are at that point, then it is OK to tell them Santa doesn't exist.

I believe everybody participating in this thread does feel like a broken record playing a recording of a broken record while reading photocopied posts, hoping the next one will look different.