Need working asm file for 16f88

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Joined Jun 22, 2012
Any one got a simple asm file for a pic16f88 that will put an led on port A or B or flash it, please as i cant find any working files for this pic?

i am using pic assembly code, not C

YOURS Desperate.....:(,
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Joined May 15, 2010
8MHz oscillator, blinks B3:

Rich (BB code):
                                list p=16f88, r=dec
                                errorlevel -306 ; no page boundary warnings
                                errorlevel -302 ; no bank 0 warnings
                                errorlevel -202 ; no 'argument out of range' warnings

                             __config 0x2007, 0x3fff
                             __config 0x2008, 0x3fff
datahi_set macro val
  bsf 3, 6 ; STATUS<rp1>
datahi_clr macro val
  bcf 3, 6 ; STATUS<rp1>
datalo_set macro val
  bsf 3, 5 ; STATUS<rp0>
datalo_clr macro val
  bcf 3, 5 ; STATUS<rp0>
irp_clr macro
  bcf 3, 7 ; STATUS<irp>
irp_set macro
  bsf 3, 7 ; STATUS<irp>
branchhi_set macro lbl
    bsf 10, 4 ; PCLATH<4>
branchhi_clr macro lbl
    bcf 10, 4 ; PCLATH<4>
branchlo_set macro lbl
    bsf 10, 3 ; PCLATH<3>
branchlo_clr macro lbl
    bcf 10, 3 ; PCLATH<3>
v_on                           EQU 1
v_off                          EQU 0
v_output                       EQU 0
v__portb                       EQU 0x0006  ; _portb
v__portb_shadow                EQU 0x0023  ; _portb_shadow
v_adcon0                       EQU 0x001f  ; adcon0
v_trisb                        EQU 0x0086  ; trisb
v_pin_b3_direction             EQU 0x0086  ; pin_b3_direction-->trisb:3
v_ansel                        EQU 0x009b  ; ansel
v_cmcon                        EQU 0x009c  ; cmcon
v_adcon1                       EQU 0x009f  ; adcon1
v__pic_temp                    EQU 0x0020  ; _pic_temp-->_pic_state
v__pic_state                   EQU 0x0020  ; _pic_state
v___x_54                       EQU 0x0023  ; x-->_portb_shadow:3
v___x_55                       EQU 0x0023  ; x-->_portb_shadow:3
                               org      0
                               datalo_set v_ansel
                               clrf     v_ansel
                               datalo_clr v_adcon0
                               clrf     v_adcon0
                               datalo_set v_adcon1
                               clrf     v_adcon1
                               movlw    7
                               movwf    v_cmcon
                               bcf      v_trisb, 3 ; pin_b3_direction
                               datalo_clr v__portb_shadow ; x54
                               bsf      v__portb_shadow, 3 ; x54
                               movf     v__portb_shadow,w
                               movwf    v__portb
                               datalo_clr v__pic_temp
                               datahi_clr v__pic_temp
                               movlw    23
                               movwf    v__pic_temp
                               movlw    103
                               movwf    v__pic_temp+1
                               movlw    41
                               movwf    v__pic_temp+2
                               branchhi_clr l__l98
                               branchlo_clr l__l98
                               decfsz   v__pic_temp+2,f
                               goto     l__l98
                               branchhi_clr l__l97
                               branchlo_clr l__l97
                               decfsz   v__pic_temp+1,f
                               goto     l__l97
                               branchhi_clr l__l96
                               branchlo_clr l__l96
                               decfsz   v__pic_temp,f
                               goto     l__l96
                               bcf      v__portb_shadow, 3 ; x55
                               movf     v__portb_shadow,w
                               movwf    v__portb
                               datalo_clr v__pic_temp
                               datahi_clr v__pic_temp
                               movlw    23
                               movwf    v__pic_temp
                               movlw    103
                               movwf    v__pic_temp+1
                               movlw    41
                               movwf    v__pic_temp+2
                               branchhi_clr l__l101
                               branchlo_clr l__l101
                               decfsz   v__pic_temp+2,f
                               goto     l__l101
                               branchhi_clr l__l100
                               branchlo_clr l__l100
                               decfsz   v__pic_temp+1,f
                               goto     l__l100
                               branchhi_clr l__l99
                               branchlo_clr l__l99
                               decfsz   v__pic_temp,f
                               goto     l__l99
                               goto     l__l86
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Joined Sep 7, 2009
The code that absf modified:

With a little bit changed so it doesn't skip all the initialisation and go straight to the loop :
I've checked in the simulator and it seems fine.

Rich (BB code):
LIST p=16F88 ;tell assembler what chip we are using
#include <> ;include the defaults for the chip
;set up config register 


cblock 0x20

org 0x0000 ;org sets the origin, 0x0000 for the 16F88,
;this is where the program starts running
goto init

bsf STATUS, RP0 ;select bank 1
movlw b'01110110' ;set osc to 8mhz
movwf OSCCON
movlw b'11000110' ;set up prescaler to 128 on Tmr0

movlw 0x00
movwf ANSEL

movlw b'00000000' ;set PortA all outputs
movwf TRISA
movlw b'11111111'
movwf TRISB ;set PortB all inputs
bcf STATUS, RP0 ;select bank 0
clrf PORTA ;clear portA
clrf PORTB

bsf PORTA,0
;set bit 0 on
call Delay
bcf PORTA,0
call Delay ;set bit0 off
goto Loop ;go back and do it again

;delay of 500msec at 8mhz clock 
;999997 cycles
movlw 0x08
movwf d1
movlw 0x2F
movwf d2
movlw 0x03
movwf d3
decfsz d1, f
goto $+2
decfsz d2, f
goto $+2
decfsz d3, f
goto Delay_0
;3 cycles
goto $+1


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Joined Jun 22, 2012
tried both of these and still not working, pic wired as follows>> pin 5 ov, pin 14 +5v, pin 4 to +5v via 10k resistor. all other pins measure 1.5 v , no output is pulsing.

Think i will give pic programming up and chuck it in the bin!

How do you run the simulator?


Joined Sep 7, 2009
A few thoughts:
Ideally you would have a 100nF capacitor connected between pin 5 and 14.
Try changing the TRISB setting to b'00000000' - unconnected pins should be set as output to avoid oscillations.
Change part of the config line from _MCLR_OFF to _MCLR_ON. With the resistor still in place and power connected, try touching a wire from the MCLR pin (pin 4) to ground a few times and see if resetting it helps.
The most recent post in this thread describes how to start using the simulator.


Joined Dec 29, 2010
I assembled the exact program attached by Mark and simulated it in proteus. It works the first time. The states of the unused RA1-RA4 should all read 0V or else something is wrong with the Configurations or PIC is not reseting during power up.

You dont see the Vcc and GND pins because they are hidden on my simulator.

Follow what Mark suggested and it should be easy to make it work. I have a 16F88 board connected to 4x 7 segment LED running a 0-9999 counter program right in front of me. It has been running non-stop for more than 48 hours.

If you gave up so easily you'll miss a lot of fun in the time to come. I have played with 6502, 6803, 8085, Z80, 6809, 8031, 89S4051 and PIC. I started PIC with a home-made JDM programmer running on serial port of my PC. My first PIC was a 16F628. It took me 4 weeks for my first program to run even with all my experiences with micro. Nowadays there are USB ICSP programmers that you can get for less than 20 bucks. And all the people here who are willing to help you.... What other favours do you want to get yourself moving on? It's your choice after all.....:D





Joined Apr 28, 2012
A few thoughts:
Ideally you would have a 100nF capacitor connected between pin 5 and 14.
Try changing the TRISB setting to b'00000000' - unconnected pins should be set as output to avoid oscillations.
Change part of the config line from _MCLR_OFF to _MCLR_ON. With the resistor still in place and power connected, try touching a wire from the MCLR pin (pin 4) to ground a few times and see if resetting it helps.
The most recent post in this thread describes how to start using the simulator.
These capacitors are rarely needed for functionality. I never saw a PIC that refused to work at all, and then worked with 100nF applied. But yes in general there should be something, 1uF, 220uF, or whatever is available.

Also uncontrolled oscillations I have never observed so far.

If MCLR can be switched off, then no external resistor is needed but worth trying.

Maybe the crystal is bad, try a 22uH coil with HS setting and no extra parts, this should work on almost all PICs.

And simply try to switch on a LED, and then change the program to keep it OFF.

It may sound weird but sometimes it takes me hours just to get a small PIC running. Usually they work immediately like they should, but it really happens. Often there are wiring mistakes.

And it's also possible the PIC is broken, I have seen it a few times, but it is rather unusual.

the 16f88 I would not buy, it's outdated. 16f1824 is good or 16f1503, or 16f54, if you want something simple. Otherwise I only use 18F now.

Actually most of the basics I have learned using the 16f54.

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Joined Jun 22, 2012
Thanks for all your input guys, have binned the pic 16f88 and gone onto the pic16f628a and this is now working flashing ok, must have been the pics at fault.