my first VHDL program

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Joined Feb 12, 2008
i'm making this VHDL design for a system that detects a serial 'U' coming in at pin 'rx' (binair you get 5x '10' after each other). after those 5 have passed he tells the average time it took for 1bit. my problem is that it doesn't work yet x D, no, seriously i can't get
Rich (BB code):
if spaces= 5 then
@ line 68
to work i tried various ways to count to 5 and get it detected at the '5' mark. ..
please have a look and help me correct my wrongs
Rich (BB code):
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;

entity transceiver is 		-- name should not begin with a number
  	    clk   : in  std_logic;
 	   reset : in  std_logic;
 	   rx    : in  std_logic;
 	   uart_uit : out std_logic;
 	   alarm_ledje1 : out std_logic;
 	   alarm_ledje2 : out std_logic;
 	   counter : buffer std_logic_vector (7 downto 0)
end ENTITY transceiver;

architecture functioneelgedrag of transceiver is
signal new_rx          	: std_logic;
signal prev_rx			: std_logic;
signal niettesnel			: std_logic;
signal spaces 			: unsigned(3 downto 0);             --signaal variable (buffer)
signal baudrate 			: unsigned(7 downto 0);
signal aantal_hoge_bits : unsigned(7 downto 0);
signal klok_teller 			: unsigned(18 downto 0);
signal baud 			: unsigned(15 downto 0);
signal klokpulsen 			: unsigned(18 downto 0);
signal data 			: std_logic_vector(6 downto 0);

constant FREQUENTIEKRISTAL : natural := 1843200;  -- Frequentie van het kristal

		-- if reset stays low 
		--rx is saved  in new_rx & prev_rx
		--if received bit=1 the counter goes up. the first 5 are of importance
		bitteller: process(clk,reset)							--'U' detectie--
    		if reset = '1' then
      		new_rx  <= '0';
      		prev_rx <= '0';
    		elsif clk'event and clk='1' then
      		if rx='1' then							--happens 5 times in a 'U'
		--if baudrate = 0 then
		uart_uit <='1';
      		data <= data & '1';
      		alarm_ledje1 <='1';
      		--end if;							--if baudrate is unknown we detect it
      		end if;
    		end if;
    		end process bitteller;
  		klokteller: process(clk)							-- 'U' lengte teller--
		if clk'event and clk='1' then
  		WHILE prev_rx = '0'and baudrate = 0 LOOP							--if 'U' enters
		klok_teller <= klok_teller+1;							--timer starts if a space is detected
		END LOOP;							-- a 'U' has 5spaces
		end if;
		end process klokteller;
		bami: process(clk)							--convert bittime to baudrate--
		if clk'event and clk='1' then
		spaces <= unsigned(data);
		if spaces= 5 then                  ----<-- MY PROBLEM!!
		alarm_ledje2 <='1';
		-- Als de U herkent is de baudrate berekenen! 
		-- Aantal klokslagen mag een totaal 100 afwijken 
		--er zijn 5bits gemeten dus het aantal klokslagen is 5*tegroot
		klokpulsen <= (others => '0');
		if klok_teller > 14	 and klok_teller < 	18 	then -- baudrate 115200
		klokpulsen <= klokpulsen +		16;
		elsif (klok_teller > 28	 and klok_teller < 	36) 	then -- baudrate 57600
		klokpulsen <= klokpulsen +		32;
		elsif (klok_teller > 42	 and klok_teller < 	54) 	then -- baudrate 38400
		klokpulsen <= klokpulsen +		48;
		elsif (klok_teller > 84	 and klok_teller < 	108) 	then -- baudrate 19200
		klokpulsen <= klokpulsen +		96;
		elsif (klok_teller > 168	 and klok_teller < 	216) 	then -- baudrate 9600
		klokpulsen <= klokpulsen +		192;
		elsif (klok_teller > 336  and klok_teller < 	432) 	then -- baudrate 4800
		klokpulsen <= klokpulsen +		384;
		elsif (klok_teller > 672  and klok_teller < 	864) 	then -- baudrate 2400
		klokpulsen <= klokpulsen +		768;
		elsif (klok_teller > 1344 and klok_teller < 	1728) 	then -- baudrate 1200
		klokpulsen <= klokpulsen +		1536;
		elsif (klok_teller > 5376 and klok_teller < 	6912) 	then -- baudrate 300
		klokpulsen <= klokpulsen +		6144;
		else klokpulsen <= klokpulsen +		1;
 		end if;
		end if;
		end if;
		end process bami;



end functioneelgedrag;