my first post......blouetooth controlled robot

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Joined Aug 2, 2010
i'm in 9th sem sengineering student, I want my final year project to be about remotly controlling a robot with 4 wheels with a video as a feed beack on my interface.
i have the werless connection as a substitute to the Bluetooth.
the Idea is:
- from a programmed interface controlled bottons are pushed.
- theses controll directions will be out through a BT connected to the PC
- control signals will be recieved by a bluetooth aboard the robot to a microcontoller.
- frm the microcontroller to the DC motors
- the robot moves to one of 4 derections.

I need help considering this is my first time doing such thing.
- how to interface pc to BT
-how to interface BT to MC
-how to interface MC to DC motors.
-how would i do this if i chose wireless other than BT

thank u for your time......and forgive my enlish.