Loosewire Does Chinese

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Joined Apr 25, 2008
Bryant,is heading back to Texas friday,thursday in the war room.

Like the old professnal days,with all the player associates.

Got to use an old line, "I take instruction well" they buy lunch.

Just being professional,not bad some times...always on the high

road is my motto...to live by.


Joined Feb 20, 2011
sounds huge:D
what does 250 means with "Kg" unit?
I believe that's about 113.4 Kg, happy :)

And 250 isn't too bad, though it depends on your age and height. If you're short and 250, it might be a bit unhealthy. If you're tall and big-boned (or big-muscled), it's probably ok.

My entire adult life I've been fairly lightweight. Way back at the beginning of my high school years I was about 30 pounds overweight for my age, but when I got into my junior and senior years, and first few years of college, I was dangerously underweight. I wasn't anemic, but I was close. I had a lot of issues with my throat and gag reflex--trauma from an experience as a child. It was difficult to eat much. As it is, I'm still only about 170 or so.

My point is it can be just as dangerous to be underweight as it can be to be overweight. I saw a doctor about it and she prescribed a drug that actually shut down the part of the brain that controls the gag reflex. Needless to say, I decided against using it. I prefer to avoid drugs that directly affect my brain. It just seems unsafe to me....

Okay, I'm rambling. Just that time of night I guess. Haven't seen any new threads from Loosie in a while. Hope you're ok Loosie!


Joined May 11, 2009
This was a T06, puzzle ,an attempt to know every thing.
I understand. You do just as Obama. No More Mr. Nice Guy, then debating. You must be very proud of your president. And he must have a big fan in you. I know political topics are not allowed in this forum. But still good luck with the election. And four more years;). Not that Mitt Romney had a chance anyway
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Joined Apr 25, 2008
Answer to puzzle, the most famous Viking Sword....I watched how they were

made in the old viking days. The + was before and after + . I was waiting for

a Norths man to notice my puzzle. You are a nice guy.