Kirlian Photography

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Joined Nov 16, 2007
The blue light around the fingertips is a photograph of the electrical discharges due to the conductivity of high voltage, high frequency electricity. The frequency excites the electrons to such a state that they ionize the air. The light from this ionization can be capured on film, as it is compsed of visible light. Metals and semi-conductors also produce discharges. A non-conducting, dry object, such as a piece of cardboard a shell, or hair will not produce any discharge.

The big Q:

Since hair is dry and "nonconductive", is there a way to "wet it" or make it conductive so that this type of photography is possible.

I know some use this gell-like substance to stick the object to the glass plate surface and that this substance itself seems to show up in the captures image.
Can I assume then that if I thnly coat a strand of hair with this substance I could then proceed to make such images?

Gell substance illuminated

Anyone have any ehperience with this?