I think I hurt my knuckles


Joined Sep 30, 2009
A CPAP machine, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Positive_airway_pressure

People that snore constantly and loudly are some times suffering from sleep apnea.

When younger a bunch of friends and I used to go camping(tenting), I snored so loud they would make me stay awake until all of them got to sleep. Because of my snoring.

Finally got diagnosed as sleep apnea in my 40's. Fell asleep in the car at a traffic light! After two light changes the guy behind me knocked on car window and woke me up , he thought I had died or something.


Joined Feb 20, 2009
The proper term used to be you gots the jimmy legs or arms. You sleepwalking then punching a wall in "Fightmode" is not normal. But you throwing a punch in your sleep is normal.I've woken up numerous time hanging up a hammer. When I come too I keep trying to hang the hammer but it just won't hang till about 5-6 attempts I realize I was dreaming.