how to check PDM (digital mic)

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Joined May 20, 2010
i am going to create a project that can check digital mic.
and that can also simulate the pdm bus like digital mic.
i am using pic 16f877a .
any one help me how to pick pdm bus.

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Joined May 20, 2010
thanks for giving me time.
sorry if i cant specific my question.
so now i try to explain more,

i need to a device which can check a digital mic and digital mic uses pdm.
so like a simple mic it cant be checked.
and if i want to check its pre amp its also receive pdm bus its also cant be check by simple injecting a voice.
its my question.
thanks in advance.


Joined Apr 5, 2008

You need to know how the mic is sending the information.
Do you know wich chip is used in the mic?

From the analog faq's:

Can digital microphone PDM output be interfaced with I²S directly? No, ADI ADAU1361, 1761 codecs should be used in this case.
