How dangerous...


Joined Feb 20, 2011
I second that. The current and voltage are so low you wouldn't even feel it (unless you jabbed that pin straight into the finger, which would just be stupid), and there is no medical science behind it suggesting electrical impulses like that will eliminate warts. I would just ignore it, personally. It's pure rubbish.


Joined Feb 20, 2011
I just read the rest of it and I see it says to soak your wart first. Still is a ridiculous idea and has no scientific background behind it whatsoever. It's like those people that walk around all the time wearing wire pyramids on their heads, claiming it prolongs life. Pure hogwash :p


Joined Jan 5, 2012
Warts can be effectively eliminated with a trip to the doctor's office, who will use liquid nitrogen. It's so simple I'm not sure why anyone would bother with very questionable home remedies like this.


Joined Dec 19, 2007
Google: Hyfrecator
This is a real wart zapper. It's a relatively small, medium power, high frequency electrosurgery device used in dermatology clinics. Basically it burns the wart with an electric arc. In the early days they used spark-gaps to generate the high frequency. Siz-z-z-z-z-z-z-z-al That Hulda Clark thing makes a nice Geiger counter power supply
Personally I prefer the LN2...doesn't smell like burning protein.


ian field

Joined Oct 27, 2012
Warts can be effectively eliminated with a trip to the doctor's office, who will use liquid nitrogen. It's so simple I'm not sure why anyone would bother with very questionable home remedies like this.
Whether its questionable or not may be a matter of opinion, there's a vast amount of research if you search "Rife Electrotherapy", if you go through the hits you will find the names of several other researchers who've been working along similar lines.

TENS is another branch of this science, the reasons why it DOES work are a little better understood.

ian field

Joined Oct 27, 2012
If it's a matter of opinion, doesn't that make it questionable? Especially next to a proven technique like freezing with LN2.
In most parts of the world, a visit to the doctor's surgery would cost more than the parts for the project - if you were going to build a project of some description anyway, you could argue that it didn't cost you anything to try that before crossing the doctors palm with silver.


Joined Jun 26, 2012
I know, I know.. but my kids used duct tape on their warts. Worked at least as well as over the counter remedies for them...

ian field

Joined Oct 27, 2012
I know, I know.. but my kids used duct tape on their warts. Worked at least as well as over the counter remedies for them...
Last time I used over the counter stuff on a verruca on my foot, it caused a big abcess. Eventually when it got so big my shoe wouldn't fit, I dug at the core with a scalpel - the core shot across the room at 90mph followed by a jet of pus.

It was still pretty painful, but from there on it started to heal.