hello multiplexing....

John P

Joined Oct 14, 2008
You said it yourself, last week:

the video say 16x48 led ..!!
so, it should be like scrolling display with effects!

That's all it is, just a 16x48 display bent into a circular shape. 768 LEDs. You could do that with 12 Max7219 CHIPS.

John P

Joined Oct 14, 2008
To find the answer to your question, Rritesh, you need to read the data sheet of the MAX7219 and sketch out how it would be connected to LEDs and how it would be controlled. And likewise you'd draw some diagrams of how the shift register would be arranged. Then you'd compare the two (and might there be other designs waiting to be found?) and form some tentative conclusions, and then you could come back here and describe what you'd done with neat diagrams and clearly-written text, and we could talk about it.