Energy generation


Joined Dec 26, 2010
I kinda figured also in something like this, you would boobytrap the device, so any unauthorized access would set the device to fry itself and all circuitry and then ignite a thermite bomb to melt everything inside the case which I figured the generator, which would be the trade secret would be locked up inside a huge metal container with really thick walls, lol
That's got to be a very bad idea. Anything handling a lot of power is subject to accidents, and adding a booby-trap device big enough to fuse the whole system into an unrecognisable mass is likely to turn a minor accident into a major disaster, with fire, explosion and possible loss of life. Depending on the size of the plant and type of fuel used, this could extend beyond the generator site. The consequences if radioactive material were involved do not bear thinking about.

You might expect to find yourself in a very serious situation if the authorities investigating such a disaster discovered that a booby-trap had been involved.