Digital logic design with MSI - Please Help

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Joined Dec 28, 2009
Hello all,
I’m having trouble with this task:
A small corporation has 10 shares of stock, and each share entitles its owner to one vote at a stockholder’s meeting. The 10 shares of stock are owned by four people as follows:

Mr.W 1 share,
Mr. X 2 shares
Mr. Y 3 shares
Mrs. Z 4 shares.

Each of these persons has a switch to close when voting yes and to open when voting no for all his/her shares (one switch for each person).

Task: It is necessary to design a circuit (using MSI components ONLY, a 7-segment display and some inverters if required) that displays the total number of shares that vote YES for each measure.

If all shares vote NO for a measure, the display should be blank. If ten shares vote YES for a measure, the display should be 0, otherwise, the display shows a decimal number equal to the number of shares that vote YES.

Use four chip 74151 multiplexers to design the combinational logic that converts the input from stockowners (ON-YES, OFF-NO) switches into the BCD digit for the 7-segment decoder/driver. Choose W to be the MSB, X, Y, Z to be selection lines of the MUX’s.

I have this true table in mind

Please someone help me to implement schematic diagram of four multiplexes.
Thanks in advance

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Joined Dec 28, 2009
Thanks for your answer DigitalLogician, i wish you a happy new year.But your example didn't help me bro:(
This excercise which I refer above, is taken from "Digital Design 2nd Edition by Mano" book chapter 11.6 if it helps.
I just want to design this circuit for digital logic laboratory.