determine v0 #2

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Joined Oct 22, 2008
Hello..well i have the figure above and i need to determine V0..
i am using source transformation but at the end,i am ending up with two variables (Io and VO)
so i think i need a way to get I0 but how?
and if i use the node voltage analysis i end up with the same thing
help pelase
thank you



Joined Feb 4, 2008
Just apply KCL to the two nodes at top of the circuit and solve the unknowns with simultaneous equations. Finally, Io equals I through R3
I would suggest using thevenin; remove the 2 ohm load-find Rth.

Then use the superposition Theroem to find Vth; which will be in terms of a constant plus 3*Io.

Then attach your 2 ohm load and solve for Vo using the voltage divider princible.

Then Io=Vo/Ro=...

Solve for Io?

Finally Vo=Io*2 ohms


Joined Jan 28, 2005
Greetings qwert123,

Have you been able to get any further along with your analysis of the problem you posted?



Joined Mar 20, 2007
qwerty321, i think i need a way to get I0 but how? ...
Although we can get Io directly by node analysis, let's try something different. Like using a supermesh instead.

Designate the loop currents I1,I2, and I3 from left to right. Make a supermesh by mentally erasing the dependent current source, but remembering its effects. Then the equations of the two loops are:

24 -2*I1-2*I2 -4*(I2-I3) -12 = 0, and 12 -4*(I3-I2) -(2+2)*I3 = 0

And the equation for the dependent source, I1 -I2 = -3*I3

Three equations and three unknowns are solved to be I1,I2 and I3 = -9,9,and 6 respectively. So the dependent current source of 18 amps splits at the top with 9 amps going left, and 9 amps going right, and 6 amps going through R4.
