Creating a complete product - what kind of services are required?

Polycase will cut holes, shapes etc in their enclosures and they will also deliver painted panels. Each incur a one-time setup fee each of around $200 each.
you can then order any any number of your "customized cases".

The PCB industry is driven by software that creates by what's called CAD/CAM files which consist of gerbers, drill files pick and place files etc. These tell the automation systems what your board should look like and depending on the package it can provide data for pick and place machines. Some places can deliver your boards assembled.

There are so many variants. Pick an iPod to an elevator controller. I did "in-house" only projects.


Joined Feb 20, 2011
Personally, as one who creates projects under a tight budget, I obtain a cheap project enclosure online. For making PCBs, I generally go with OSHpark or DirtyPCBs, both of which are very cheap. That is really the only outside help I need--I design the schematics, boards, documentation, software, etc on my own, and I order the parts I need online. When the boards arrive from the manufacturer, I assemble them myself.

If you want to cut out outside sources altogether, you can make your own PCBs. @Wendy has a fantastic article here at AAC covering home PCB etching.