c programming for msp430

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Joined Feb 4, 2014

i am working right now on the minilogger product. My job is to convert it processor from c8051 controller to msp430.code for c8051 controller i have reffered & found a doubt on 7segment display code.i know its basic code but the programmer has added one file named VTEnglish.h that i dont understand.
here i m giving its snap shot.

unsigned char code VTmsg_short[] = //As per this SW. Partly STD
//Parameter Data Address Range
" SV" //0000 HiLt~LoLt
" DP" //001A 0000/000.0/00.00/0.000 (English code)
"UNIT" //0019 ? / ? / ENG (English code)

unsigned char code ASCVs7Seg_codes[] = //As per this SW. Partly STD
0x00, //20H (space) <-- index starts with 0. So subtract 20h first. blank for unresolved CHAR
0x00, //21H !
0x00, //22H "
0x00, //23H #
0x00, //24H $
0x00, //25H %
0x00, //26H &
0x00, //27H '
0x00, //28H (
0x00, //29H )

0x00, //2AH *
0x00, //2BH +
0x00, //2CH ,
0x40, //2DH -
0x00, //2EH
0x00, //2FH /

0x3f, //30H 0<-- index starts with 0. So subtract 30h first. blank for unresolved CHAR
0x06, //31H 1
0x5b, //32H 2
0x4f, //33H 3
0x66, //34H 4
0x6d, //35H 5
0x7d, //36H 6
0x07, //37H 7
0x7f, //38H 8
0x6f, //39H 9

0x00, //3AH :
0x00, //3BH ;
0x00, //3CH <
0x00, //3DH =
0x00, //3EH >
0x00, //3FH ?
0x00, //40H @

0x77, //41H A
0x7C, //42H B*
0x39, //43H C
0x5E, //44H D*
0x79, //45H E
0x71, //46H F
0x3D, //47H G
0x76, //48H H
0x0F, //49H I
0x1F, //4AH J
0x76, //4BH K*
0x38, //4CH L
0x37, //4DH M
0x54, //4EH N*
0x5C, //4FH O*
0x73, //50H P
0x00, //51H Q*
0x31, //52H R
0x6D, //53H S
0x78, //54H T*
0x3E, //55H U
0x3E, //56H V SAME AS U
0x00, //57H W*
0x00, //58H X*
0x6E, //59H Y
0x5B, //5AH Z
0x00, //5BH [
/* 0x00, //5CH \
0x00, //5DH ]
0x00, //5EH ^
0x00, //5FH _
0x00, //60H '

0x00, //EXTRA

0x00, //61H a*
0x7C, //62H b
0x5D, //63H c
0x5E, //64H d
0x7B, //65H e*
0x00, //66H f*
0x00, //67H g*
0x74, //68H h
0x00, //69H i*
0x00, //6AH j*
0x00, //6BH k*
0x00, //6CH l*
0x00, //6DH m*
0x54, //6EH n
0x5C, //6FH o
0x00, //70H p*
0x00, //71H q*
0x50, //72H r
0x6D, //73H s*
0x78, //74H t
0x1C, //75H u
0x00, //76H v*
0x00, //77H w*
0x00, //78H x*
0x00, //79H y*
0x00, //7AH z*

0x00, //7BH {
0x00, //7CH |
0x00, //7DH }
0x00, //7EH ~
0x00 //7FH (del)*/


& in main file where this is used is like this,,,

void disp_menu()
B2R4 = (vt_address) * 4;
disp_m4[3-B2R5] = ASCVs7Seg_codes[VTmsg_short[B2R4 + B2R5]-0x20];

here vt_address=0;
& another time wen its used with vt_address=1;
for display i am using Total 8 digit display--> 4 digit as upper & 4 digit as lower display

kindly give your suggestions if any
thank u