Boost Converter + Nchannel Mosfet isn't working

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Summi ECE306

Joined Aug 15, 2016
I have a DC-DC boost converter, connected to N channel Mosfet. The mosfet Gate is driven using PWM from an Arduino.

I have connections right, no extra resistors or diodes, etc. Just like the link below:

But there is no output, is it because of the dc-dc boost converter, or the ground terminal?

Boost converter specs: 12V 10A input, output:12-80V 0-12A.
Nchannel Mosfet specs: 100V 33A

My load is 100W LED, 30V 3A, so I measured connecting directly to the load and set the boost converter to 30V 2A, and works fine.
But when connecting to mosfet and arduino, there is no output.

Any suggestions on what I need to do or add anything extra?