books in the world ?

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Joined Jul 21, 2008
I am trying to compute a few things very precisely

1) How many distinct books are in the world?
Meaning books with different information in them so this is like a sub questions
1a) How many distinct English books do we have in the world (or books that an English person could read)
1b) How many non-English books that contain different information are in existences (meaning not rewrites of older work that has an English equivalent translation)

2) how many libraries are there in the world ?
2a) of the libraries in the world how many are of what type i.e public , private , university , school ,...etc
2b) is there a table that list how many books each library has ( something that is in real time update would be excellent)
2c) And what would be the rate at which new books are created in the world. My solution to this is doesn't the library of congress contain at least one copy of all books and writings in the world so whenever a new book is publish the library of congress get it. Then it would be simple to figure out by 2b) if a real time update rate was given for each library.

What I know is from the internet
And I googled for the average amount of books in each type of library to figure out an approximation.
But I am now looking for an exact statistical data or chart... I know somebody has access to this information since most libraries keep track of there books a computer through software... but I am not sure the software is available to the public ... or a useable format that I need it in.

It would also be cool if there was a way to also filter on type of book i.e math , sciences,history,geology ,...etc so I can determine which libraries have how many of each type.

I have also found for the usa

But still nothing yet

Any advanced librarians out there that no the answer

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Joined Jul 21, 2008
Also if this question is to difficult to answer then more curious on distinct English readable science and technical books (i.e physics,electronic/electrical , math ,chemistry,engineering,research...etc fields ) in the world

And if that is to hard then in the usa

if that is to hard I am screwed in asking
Does the internet contain the equivalent information of all the library books you go to the library for. I.E how much of the books in the world are on the internet or available on the internet?


Joined Jul 18, 2013
I don't know if it still applies, but when I lived in Oxford, the Bodlean Library back then was purported to have every book, magazine and periodical ever published, a bold claim, I know the tunnels under ground hold massive amounts of books.


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Joined Jul 21, 2008
How is that possible I thought the library of congress was the largest library i.e most books in the world.
So Bodlean Library would be a subset? Unless library of congress has more duplicates and Bodlean Library has one of each or something.

If that is true about Bodlean Library then how many books are open to the public in this library?
And how many of these books have been digitalized or scanned into a computer/converted to pdf?

I know library of congress has like something on the order of 30 million books


Joined Jan 21, 2013
What is a book? Does it include pamphlets, leaflets, brochures, dossiers, dissertations, essays, manuals, magazines, newspapers?


Joined Nov 30, 2010
While you electronics people are working on counting all the books ever published on the planet, I was wondering how many kinds of floor coverings have ever been used on this planet, clear back to the beginnings of time. Obviously you can start with bare earth, then the various kinds of solid rock found in caves, but I want somebody to spend thousands of hours enumerating all the synthetic materials, and patterns of color, texture, and weaving methods ever used. All floor coverings have electrons in them and this is a site about electronics, so it should be easy for you guys.


Joined Apr 28, 2012
35 trillion publications. Most of them unappalate to the ordinary reader.

Half of it probably pulp fiction and Boulevard press publications (about 20 variations of the same kinds of stories repeating all over).

You couldnt even look at the first page of just 1% of them in all your lifetime.